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Associate Organisations of the FSFE

Associate organisations are independent of the Free Software Foundation Europe and entirely autonomous. They are completely self-run and -managed in all aspects (such as membership, statutes, finances and so on).

Being associate means being formally allied and having immediate access to the FSFE. So associates are usually involved in the internal communication and consideration process. Also we will work together for campaigns and events such as tradeshows.

As a lot of the regular work is often done by volunteers from associate organisations, joining one of these organisations is an easy way of becoming involved in the FSFE's activities.

If you wish to know more about the associate status, you will find that information here.

Association For Free Software

The Association for Free Software (AFFS) is a membership organisation which promotes and defends Free Software in the UK.

National Association for Free Software

ANSOL is the "National Association for Free Software". It is a Portuguese non-profit association dedicated to the promotion, development, research and study of Computing Freedom and its social, political philosophical, cultural, technical and scientific implications.

Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure

The FFII is a non-profit association under German law that promotes a sustainable development of public information goods based on copyright, free competition and open standards.

Verein zur Förderung Freier Informationen und Software e.V.

The ffis e.V. is a German non-profit association of Free Software enthusiasts that supports the development and establishment of free information and Free Software with various events and projects.

Free Knowledge Foundation (Fundación Conocimiento Libre)

The FKF is a non-profit organisation based in Spain that promotes the idea of knowledge as a common good accessible by everybody. Its focus is on Free Knowledge, Free Software, Free Standards and Intellectual Wealth.

Free Software Initiative of Japan

A Japanese non-profit association to further Free Software.

Free Software Network Serbia (Mreža za slobodan softver Srbija)

Free Software Network Serbia (FSNS) is organization that is formed and exists in goal to promote and defend free software and GNU philosophy in Serbian public.

Irish Free Software Organisation

The goals of Irish Free Software Organisation (IFSO) are to prevent changes in legislation which would harm Free Software users and developers, and to promote awareness of Free Software among Irish computer users.

KDE e.V.

KDE e.V. is the official body behind the K Desktop Environment. KDE e.V. is a non-profit organisation that handles legal issues for the KDE project, its goal is to support the development and spreading of KDE, the popular graphical desktop environment.

Organisation for Free Software in Education and Teaching

OFSET is a not for profit French international association under the law of 1901. It has been set up in response to the slow development of free educational software for the GNU system. It will promote all possible forms of development and localisations needed by the world wide education system.

Fundacion Via Libre

Fundacion Via Libre -- Argentinian Foundation for Free Software


Vrijschrift creates awareness about the economic and social meaning of free knowledge and culture for our society. Vrijschrift fulfills both a protecting and promoting role. Internationally we work together with the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, the Free Software Foundation Europe, Project Gutenberg and a lot of other organisations.

Wilhelm Tux

Wilhelm Tux -- Campaign for Free Software. Swiss non-profit for Free Software.

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