phpwcms 1.3.3

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phpwcms 1.3.3

Postby Oliver Georgi on Wed May 02, 2007 07:52

Ok friends,

...just to let you know that new release of phpwcms 1.3.3 is available now.

Downloads are available on

Have fun testing all the new, optimized and enhanced functions.
And there are a lot: changelog.

To make it more exciting to you - here are some images...

One of the main thing for this release - content part pagination is working:

See "subsection" which is only available when "content part pagination" is selected for article and also possible for display "main column" only. Put in the page on which content part should be rendered. This makes it very easy also to combine multiple content parts on same "page".

Another new field you can see there is "sort value". It's used to define position of cp in listing. Then you do not have to click a thousand times to sort content part up/down - remember it is the last in a very long position and you want to have it on top.

And this is content part pagination for article looks like in frontend (just sample). It would be possible too to put cp paginate navigation on bottom of article.


As you can see - first image renders summary section as ever. While for pages > 1 you have template option to render special summary section - maybe title only. Sample templates are contained in release files.



You are able to set links to such sub-page of an article by using "index.php?aid=articleID-subsectionNumber (index.php?aid=10-2).

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer
Hegerplatz 7, 06846 Dessau, Germany
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Postby Oliver Georgi on Wed May 02, 2007 12:05

phpwcms 1.3.3 released.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer
Hegerplatz 7, 06846 Dessau, Germany
phpwcms | | LinkedIn | XING
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Oliver Georgi
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