hackageDB :: [Package]

About HackageDB

HackageDB is a collection of released Haskell packages. Each package is in the Cabal format, a standard way of packaging Haskell source code that makes it easy to build and install. (HackageDB and Cabal are components of a broader Haskell infrastructure effort called Hackage.) These pages are a basic web interface to the Hackage package database.

Finding packages

The Packages link above lists the available packages and provides a full text search of the package pages (via Google), while What's new lists recent additions (also available as an RSS feed). Hayoo! provides an API search.

See How to install a Cabal package for instructions on installing the packages you find here. There is also an experimental command-line tool that will make this easier.

Releasing packages through HackageDB

To upload your own releases, you'll first need to package them as Cabal source packages. See How to create a Haskell package for a tutorial. You can check and upload your package using the Upload link above, though to upload packages you'll need a HackageDB username and password.

Getting the raw data


See the HackageDB wiki page.