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Installation Manual

(Stand: Version 1.3.3)

Before you begin

What requirement do you have to fulfill for working with phpwcms?

  1. Webspace
  2. PHP up from version 4.2.1, better would be up from 4.3.4
  3. MySQL
  4. GD 1 or GD2 (optional)
  5. Image Magick / Ghostscript (recommended)

Upload of phpwcms

After downloading phpwcms from the project site and depacking, you can download all files and folders with an ftp program onto your webspace. After uploading, the content of the folder should look like this image.

Image 1 - Folder View

Adjusting the file and folder rights

Now you have to adjust the rights that are necessary for a proper function of phpwcms to the following files and folders. You can use your preferred ftp program to set them.

» Chmod Rights
Folder   upload   777
Folder   filearchive   777
Folder   filearchive/can_be_deleted   777
Folder   template   777
Folder   template/template_lang   777
Folder   content   777
Folder   content/ads   777
Folder   content/images   777
Folder   content/gt   777
Folder   content/form   777
Folder   content/rss   777
Folder   content/tmp   777
Folder   content/pages   777
File   setup/   666
File   template/inc_css/frontend.css   666
File   config/phpwcms/   666
File   template/inc_default/startup.php   666

Start of the installation

Image 2 - Agree to the License Agreement

Now you call the install script in your browser via the following path:

We assume that you have uploaded phpwcms into the root directory of your webspace.

If that is not the case, the path has to look like this:

After reading the license agreement simply press the button
"I agree the GPL, continue". (Image 2)

Now you come to the next step.

Advice: Behind different points you will see the following symbol. This is an additional help button that will point you to external pages.

Checking of the server settings

Image 3 - Checking of the Server Settings

2. Now lets check your server settings (Image 3).
Here you can check the server settings once more.

Amongst others you see which GD Libary (Was ist die GD Libary) is installed on your server and which graphic formats are supported. In this case these are gif, jpg and png.

Press "Start Setup of phpwcms" to start the installation.

For the next step you need your access data for the SQL database. You will get the data from your provider.

Image 4 - Database Settings
Image 5 - Charset
Image 6 - Creation of the Tables
Image 7 - Confirm Creation of the Tables
Image 8 - Tables were created

Datatabase settings

and creation of the tables for phpwcms

3. MySQL database settings (Image 4)

Fill the fields for your database:

MySQL host: Mostly "localhost". It can also be an IP address. Check the right settings with your provider.

DB user: Insert here the username for the database.

DB password: Insert here the password for the database.

DB database: Insert here the database name.

DB table prefix: Only fill this field when you want to execute several phpwcms installations in one database.

use persistant database connection:

Click then onto "Continue".

4. Charset & MySQL (xxxx) collation settings (Image 5)

Choose now the charset, then click onto "Continue".

5. Default phpwcms database schema (Image 6)

Check "create phpwcms db tables". With this setting you say phpwcms that it shall create the tables for itself in the database. Click again onto "Continue"

(Image 7) Here you see a textbox with the information what tables will be created. Press  "Continue"  for the creation of the necessary tables. If you have inserted the right database settings, you should see the following: "Fine! All initial phpwcms tables were created or still exists" (Image 8). 

  Press "Continue" to come to the creation of the admin account.

Image 09 - Create Administrator
Image 10 - Confirm Administrator

Creation of the Superuser

6. Superuser settings (Image 9)

Now the Superuser / Administrator account will be created.

You will see the following fields:

name: The inserted name will be used as the author in articles. Standard is "Webmaster"

Admin login: Insert here your login name. Standard is "admin"

Admin password: Insert here your personal password.

Repeat password: Confirm here your inserted password. That avoids spelling errors.

Admin email: Insert here your email address. Standard is "noreply@yourdomain.tld"

Press again "Continue" and you will get a confirmation message that the superuser / administrator has been created: "Done! Account for user Admin was created"(Bild 10).

Press "Continue" to get to the path and email settings.

Path and email settings

Image 11- Path and Email Settings

7. Path settings (Image 11)

Here you can check once more your path / your domain. There should only be inserted the domain. Ex. www.tld-domain.tld/. Please pay attention for a "/" at the end.

Then you can set the kind of email sending in phpwcms.

You have the possibility to choose between "PHP (mail), sendmail & SMTP". For now it is sufficient to let the settings as they are. The only change are for the following fields:

from/reply-to email: The email address that will be shown as sender when you create a new user and want to send the new user the login data via phpwcms.
Standard is "noreply@ followed by your domain name"

from/reply-to name: Insert here the name of the sender.
Standard is "phpwcms webmaster"

Press again "Continue" to go to the path and folder settings.

Path and Folder Settings

Image 12 - Path and Folder Settings

Here you don't have to change anything.

Advice: Please pay attention that with an installation in a subfolder only the name of the subfolder is shown in the field "phpwcms root".

Press then "Continue".

Content Settings

Image 13 - Content Settings
Here you can make some settings - but is is not necessary for now.

"upload file size" sets the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded using "File".

"content width" sets the width of the main content area.

"list image" sets the size of the thumbnails.

"preview image" sets the size of images in normal view.

"logout time" sets the automatic logout function after a period of inactivity. Standard is 1800 seconds, that means 30 minutes.
"page compression" sets the usage of a page compression.

These settings are later changeable in "config/phpwcms/".

Press  "Send content values" to go to the last step.

Create and Upload

Image 14 - Ready to start

If all went smothly until now and there is not a path oder rights problem, all bars should be now  green as shown in the image.

If not, you will see all error messages in the next part and how they can be solved.

Press now "Download the created config file" und save the file to your harddisk. Then upload the file into the folder "config/phpwcms/" with your ftp program.

For security reasons delete the complete setup folder. By not doing this you will have a big security risk.

Then press "LOGIN" in the upper right corner and login with your username and password.

Article created: Sunday, 29. July 2007
Last Changes: Friday, 13. February 2009