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Innovation Everywhere: MySQL Conference and Expo 2009 - April 20-23, 2009 Santa Clara, CA
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NetBeans IDE 6.1 with Glassfish and MySQL NetBeans IDE 6.1 is a free open-source Integrated Development Environment. It includes tools to create professional desktop, enterprise, and web applications. This installer is bundled with the Glassfish V2 application server and the MySQL Community server.

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Exception Error Handling Implementation in MySQL/VB.NET Windows Database Applications

By Ernest Bonat, Ph.D. | February 10, 2009

Error handling implementation in Windows database applications is a must for any Application Developer today. The main idea of error handling is to avoid application crashes by finding out the occurred errors and fixing them. Different programming languages have different ways of implementing error handling. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is the most common programming language for developing windows database applications today. VB.NET codes are provided in many websites, books and materials without error handling implementation. In this article I would like to introduce you to the basics of error handling implementation in MySQL/VB.NET windows database applications. I’ll be covering structured exception error handling, which was introduced for the first time in VB.NET 2002. I will also go over the latest technologies of disposing unmanaged recourses in .NET Framework with the Using statement. To write exception errors to a log text file, a generic procedure will be developed while MySQL data is loading, inserting, updating and deleting.

Another Look at MySQL 5.1’s SQL Diagnostic Tools

By Robin Schumacher | January 26, 2009

Prior to MySQL 5.1, it wasn’t all that easy to find the worst running SQL on a MySQL instance. And truth be told, MySQL still has a ways to go before it’s an effortless process. But, the good news is there are some new aids in MySQL 5.1 and MySQL Enterprise that do make it more efficient to find and troubleshoot bad SQL code that’s hiding inside a MySQL instance. Let’s take a quick tour through these new features and see what help they provide.

Allan Packer on performance tuning: Scaling MySQL

By Lenz Grimmer | January 22, 2009

A year ago this past week (on January 16, 2008), Sun Microsystems announced a historic deal to acquire MySQL AB for a billion dollars. Since then, MySQL-ers (aka Sun Dolphins) have settled in with Sun folks. While Sun has had an influence on MySQL, MySQL has also had an influence on several projects within "Sun Classic". Over this week, we hope to explore some of the projects around Sun which use MySQL and how the acquisition has helped bring us all closer together. Today we talk to Allan Packer, Principal Engineer in the Performance Technologies group at Sun Microsystems and team lead for the MySQL Performance & Scalability Project.

Neelakanth Nadgir on MySQL and ZFS: A File System Revolution

By Duleepa "Dups" Wijayawardhana | January 21, 2009

A year ago this past week (on January 16, 2008), Sun Microsystems announced a historic deal to acquire MySQL AB for a billion dollars. Since then, MySQL-ers (aka Sun Dolphins) have settled in with Sun folks. While Sun has had an influence on MySQL, MySQL has also had an influence on several projects within "Sun Classic". Over this week, we hope to explore some of the projects around Sun which use MySQL and how the acquisition has helped bring us all closer together. Today we talk to Neelakanth Nadgir in the Sun/MySQL Performance Team about MySQL and ZFS, the revolutionary file system included with Solaris and OpenSolaris operating systems from Sun.

Detlef Ulherr and Thorsten Früauf on Open HA Cluster: Making MySQL highly available on Solaris

By Lenz Grimmer | January 20, 2009

A year ago this past week (on January 16, 2008), Sun Microsystems announced a historic deal to acquire MySQL AB for a billion dollars. Since then, MySQL-ers (aka Sun Dolphins) have settled in with Sun folks. While Sun has had an influence on MySQL, MySQL has also had an influence on several projects within "Sun Classic". Over this week, we hope to explore some of the projects around Sun which use MySQL and how the acquisition has helped bring us all closer together. Today we talk to Detlef Ulherr and Thorsten Fruehauf, engineers working on Solaris Cluster and its Open Source sibling, Open HA Cluster.

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MySQL Quickpoll RSS Feed for Quickpolls

What features or enhancements would you most like to see in Memcached?

I don't use Memcached

Replication support
Handle "network partitioning" or "split-brain"
Proactively "warm" or reload the cache in case of a failure
Fail-over capabilities between Memcached servers

MySQL Enterprise Monitor support for Memached
Server up or down status
Memory utilization
Slab utilization
Cache hit ratio
Memcached server latency

Online add/remove Memcached Servers

Binaries for popular hardware and operating system platforms
"Out of the box" integration between MySQL and Memcached
Improved error handling and messages

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