
post released sites here made with phpwcms


Postby torquemada on Tue Nov 25, 2008 21:53

http://www.Las-Palmas-24.com: this huge travel page is a relaunch of the former "laspalmas24.com" project and still under "eternal" development. 3 language editions seperated by URL forwarding are running on the same installation: http://www.gran-canaria-reviews.com (english) and http://www.gran-canaria-surf.com (spanish).

This phpwcms installation has nearly about 1000 pages and is generally perfoming very well. The only bigger problems we have is the ordering of the structure (structure tree) and article selection in articlelist within hundreds of posible articles. Also consequent content seperation for Google spider is until now a problem.
Maybe we will split the 3 versions in full installations because of some problems with order & handling and SEO/Google related aspects.

Thx specially to OLI for this great and flexible CMS, also to Breitsch for the Google-Maps Plug-In which we are testing actually. Further also thx to Flip-Flop and other "quality members", which make this Forum very helpfull.
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Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:44

Re: www.las-palmas-24.com

Postby DF6IH on Wed Nov 26, 2008 05:54

La isla bonita :)

Why don't you let all domains inside your install ?

Just change: in conf.inc.php:
Code: Select all
$phpwcms['site'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/';

and this small snippet as dom-check.php in frontend_init:

Code: Select all
// compare against current domain and redirect to correct if neccessary
if(isset($LEVEL_ID[1])) {
  //check active Domain
  if($LEVEL_ID[1] == 1 && strpos(PHPWCMS_URL, 'mydomain1.com') === false) {
  if($LEVEL_ID[1] == 2 && strpos(PHPWCMS_URL, 'mydomain2.com') === false) {

And check for IDs to languages ...

This comes from Oliver ... btw.
http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/download-dev-versions.phtml --> playing 300
....We are 1.5.0 ...
How to code my own Module? -> http://jgbm.de/Module-creation-guide-1.phtml
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