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LWN.net Weekly Edition for February 12, 2009
(Subscribers only)

Front: FOSDEM09: "Aggressive" Linux power management; Python ponders release numbering; KRunner and GNOME Do; Public data for OpenStreetMap.

Security: Forcing updates; New vulnerabilities in gnumeric, gstreamer-plugins, mod_auth_mysql, squid,...

Kernel: How patches get into the mainline; Wakelocks and the embedded problem; DazukoFS.

Distributions: KNOPPIX 6.0; Jaunty Alpha 4; Ubuntu Customization Kit 2.0.8; Dedicating Lenny to Thiemo; Fedora 11 alpha; Jarro Negro; From the archives: the best distros of 2000.

Development: The EeePC as a low-power music player, KDE Tokamak II meeting, new versions of JACK, PostgreSQL, FreeRTOS, RPM, OpenSIPS, Ecasound, OpenERP, python-graph, SQL-Ledger, AnyScreen, QJackMMC, Stellarium, Firefox, Virtaal, GNU Classpath, SciPy, Arduino, eric, LDTP, GIT.

Press: Reflections on the hardware industry, Camp KDE coverage, Microsoft's war against Linux, Monty Widenius leaves Sun, Red Hat State of the Union, Olivier Fourdan interview, Colin Turner interview, container articles, Linux CRM Roundup, Combining GPL and Proprietary Software, HP's Mini 1000 Mi netbook, Krita and Miro reviews, the Compiz Council.

Announcements: Ardour loses funding, EFF on DRM, GNOME Desktop Testing team, Python 2.6 Quick Ref, EuroDjangoCon cfp, Cloud Slam conf, DOSHSC, LibrePlanet meeting, PyCon registration, SOA in Healthcare conf, uCon Security Conf, UKUUG grants, OpenProofs Wiki.

LWN.net Weekly Edition for February 5, 2009
(Freely available)

Front: Apple's touch-screen patent; PostgreSQL's review bottleneck, episode 3; Aleutia E2; Much hot air over blinking cursors.

Security: Android application security; New vulnerabilities in firefox, moin, phpMyAdmin, sudo,...

Kernel: Dracut; Online defragmentation for ext4; Taming the OOM killer.

Distributions: Sabayon Linux 4; K12Linux F10 Live Server; Mandriva Linux MIB-Live 2009; Debian Lenny release planned for February 14.

Development: Fully automated bisecting with "git bisect run", new Compiz Council, Inside Zero and Shark, new versions of rsplib, CrunchyFrog, Samba, dradis, Zope, liblouis, Audacity, jack_capture, Kicad, AVC, wine, Firefox, SimPy, GCC, IcedTea6, Pyflakes, RFIDIOt, GIT.

Press: OLPC reorg plans, Linux Defenders fight patent trolls, Brad Hards' lca talk, Active Directory coming to Linux, WoW bot violates DMCA, Dario Freddi interview, Recovering hard drives, Build a Read-Only Linux System, Defense Dept's project repository, OO.o health check, Linus' desktop environment, KDE Lokalize funded.

Announcements: EFF cell phone freedom petition, Trophees du Libre call, BruCON cfp, LinuxCon cfp, Linux Storage and Filesystem Workshop cfp, PyCon-IT cfp, Red Hat Summit/JBoss World cfp, OO.o at FOSDEM, SAHANA conf, UKUUG conf Where 2.0 conf, FSFE Free PDF Readers campaign, ELC-EU videos.

Today's headlines

Kernel prepatch 2.6.29-rc5

[$] A look at package repository proxies [16]

The Buzztard Project, Part 1 (Linux Journal)

Business of Open Source videos from LCA available

Security advisories for Friday [1]

Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring beta released

2009 Linux Plumbers Conference Call For Topics [10]

Apple: why iPhone jailbreaking should not be allowed [19]

Follow up: How to write a Linux virus [56]

The 2008 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Award winners

Stable kernels and [8]

Cuba launches own Linux variant to counter U.S. (Reuters) [17]

Thursday Security Updates

Open Source News from FOSDEM 2009 - Day 1 (LXer)

Silverlight for Linux hits with Microsoft punch (The Register) [9]

[$] LWN.net Weekly Edition for February 12, 2009

Wednesday's security updates

How to write a Linux virus in 5 easy steps [72]

Plasma Team Looks at the Future (KDEDot)

Miro 2.0 gets serious about Web video, leaves us wanting (ars technica)

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