
discuss about sites that are just under construction or where experimental stuff is used

Re: Pizza-Delivering-Service

Postby FlashCrack on Fri Jan 23, 2009 15:41

Thanks'lot for the fast and helpful answer! <3

By using this method I get lots of error messages and bugy pages but at least much better than a blank screen haha :D

yeah I see the tag method is more powerful than [PHP][/PHP], sadly, I don't understand very well how to use it. The only thing which I want is to bind my script so it should look somehow like that

Code: Select all

function einbinden () {
include ('../speisekarte.php');

$content['all'] = str_replace('{MYTAG}', einbinden(), $content['all']);


and that's the script which I want to include (warning: this script is a mess, just overfly is :P):

Yeah I know that's crap what I wrote, unfortunatly I don't know how to do it cause missing php knowledge D:

Is that possible anyway? I really hope it is
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Re: Pizza-Delivering-Service

Postby flip-flop on Fri Jan 23, 2009 23:54

Alles außerhalb von <body> .......</body> geht nicht so ohne weiteres.

Du würdest mit deinem Verfahren eine Seite in einer Seite aufbauen.
<head> ......</head> und die Tags <html>, <title>, <body> sind ausschließlich dem System überlassen. Du könntest ein eigenes Template erstellen um dein css / JS dort zu platzieren.

Oder du impfst das System aus dem Script heraus mit:
Code: Select all
$GLOBALS['block']['css']['speisekarte'] = 'specific/speisekarte.css'; // im Verzeichnis /temple/inc_css/specific/
$GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['speisekarte'] = '  <script type="text/javascript">

  Mein JS

(Wenn JS unbedingt im <head> stehen muss).

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Re: Pizza-Delivering-Service

Postby FlashCrack on Sat Jan 24, 2009 01:06

Oh nono I mean how to bind/inculde something in a tag which is between <body></body>! :shock:
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Re: Pizza-Delivering-Service

Postby DF6IH on Sat Jan 24, 2009 07:00

Easily to do:

remove css, remove JS (for testing put it in phpwcms-site html-header) remove: DB Connect (you are connected to the db with phpwcms in it)
remove <body> tags, give these fuctions a returning string value and most things might be done.
change html->output to $retVar.='<html-brimborium ....';

(sorry for multi edit, this is written with google chrome under german dictonary :shock: ) --> playing 310 Wir haben uns getroffen und die Freude am CMS ist wieder steil gestiegen, Bilder folgen !!
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Re: Pizza-Delivering-Service

Postby FlashCrack on Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:57

Haha I didn't understood it but thanks anyway buddy, I found a solution...

I stopped to work at pizza shad express for a short time because I got a task from my boss, design a website, making a template n stuff (I used phpwcms on this website too <3)

Since yesterday I'm finished so I have more time with my pizza site, I have to say that I learned a lot by using phpwcms again on my last task!

My main problem on the pizza website now is the design... I have to rethink where to place the list of orders for the delivery service... I hope I get a good idea for it soon!

I wish I could show you all the website which I made it for my boss but I believe I could get fired by doing that :lol:

I also believe my boss will change the cms system as soon as he get the projekt tomrow in his hands but yeah... every man to his craft...

and again, thanks a lot for so much help; I really like this community cause due their kindness. I'll post news about the pizza website as soon as I came further or asking for more help : P
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