
discuss about sites that are just under construction or where experimental stuff is used


Postby daniel.grant on Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:18

Hey folks.

The site under construction is http://waterfrontchurch.com

Using 1.3.5. Smooth gallery with images <div> CP on the homepage.
Still having problems getting qCAL to work in the backend.
Currently using a template with plain text CP for the homepage blocks - is there a way to use templates with WYSIWYG CP so I can incorporate links etc in the content?
Awaiting photos from client for most the pages.

What do you guys think? Comments, criticism etc very much appreciated!

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Re: Waterfront

Postby pepe on Tue Jan 15, 2008 13:04

daniel.grant wrote:...
Currently using a template with plain text CP for the homepage blocks - is there a way to use templates with WYSIWYG CP so I can incorporate links etc in the content?

Hi Dan,

if you need it only on 1 or 2 pages with such fading-blocks, it is the easiest solution, to take a construct of CPs like:

CP HTML (holds the the opening div of the 1. container: <div style=".....">)
CP HTML (holds closing div of 1. container and opening div of the 2. container: </div><div style="......">)
CP HTML (holds closing div of 2. container and opening div of the 3. container: </div><div style="......">)
CP HTML (holds only the closing div of the 3. container: </div>)
mfG pepe

Natürlich lese ich hier immer noch mit (ist ja nicht mehr so viel), gespannt darauf, was noch kommen wird... und wann!
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Re: Waterfront

Postby daniel.grant on Tue Jan 15, 2008 13:50

Thanks Pepe, that's a good suggestion although extra CPs may confuse client when updating.
I suppose using custom content blocks <div style...>{BLOCK1}</div> etc may be another option - just not as flexible as I would hope like.
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Re: Waterfront

Postby pepe on Tue Jan 15, 2008 13:57

daniel.grant wrote:....
I suppose using custom content blocks <div style...>{BLOCK1}</div> etc may be another option - just not as flexible as I would hope like.

OK.... that's the BEST solution!
So there is a "fading" Block only then , if there is content in it.... :lol:
mfG pepe

Natürlich lese ich hier immer noch mit (ist ja nicht mehr so viel), gespannt darauf, was noch kommen wird... und wann!
Denn phpwcms ist - nach wie vor - für den Benutzer ein TOP CMS, welches einen Vergleich nicht scheuen muß!

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Re: Waterfront

Postby markus s on Tue Jan 15, 2008 17:12

sotrry layout is not correct in IE6.0 !
and your wcc.css is not valid - correct the bugs...
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Re: Waterfront

Postby daniel.grant on Tue Jan 15, 2008 17:32

Thanks Marcus,

Will check out IE6 as soon as I get to a pc (not very often!)

validation... sigh, I suppose I should (!)
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Re: Waterfront

Postby Jensensen on Wed Jan 16, 2008 18:48

nice menu!
typo could/would need a little bit more contrast.
not bad to have a sub menu, too, when reading articles...
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Re: Waterfront

Postby cyppher.nl on Sat Jan 26, 2008 23:59

Site looks nice, I like the simplicity and "clean" layout.

About the HTML:
You used the same id value on different HTML elements, that's not valid 'though.
An id (identifier) is always unique, but you used id="silverblock" on multiple div's.
Fixing it makes your HTML valid (and therefory more likely to show correctly in different browsers), and is actually quite simple:
replace element attribute (div id="silverblock") "id" with "class". A class can be re-used (that's the purpose of a class), an id is a unique identifier.

See W3C Validation results:
http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1 ... ndex.phtml

About the navigation
I think you need to add an "active" state to your menu. It helps users to remember on what part of the site they are and helps them navigating through your site. E.g.: If I'm on page "Church life" > "Women", it would help me understand that page "Women" is to find under "Church life" if that menu-item is visually emphasized.

Can easily be done adding a CSS-class "active" on your menu item.

Apart from that, good piece of design (I'm a believer of backward compatibility < 1024x768px screen sizes). 8)
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Re: Waterfront

Postby daniel.grant on Thu Jan 31, 2008 18:58

@ Jensensen
Good point. I've added the side menus, think they help a lot. Thanks.

I've added an active path state to my menu - definitely improves the site.
Thanks for your comments on IDs; I guess they probably started as unique and got used again! Anyway, haven't got time to change it on this site but it's a bad habit I shall be getting out of!
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