Car Club site

discuss about sites that are just under construction or where experimental stuff is used

Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Mon Dec 24, 2007 01:28

Temporary url
<no longer valid>

My sites are so boring. :(
Always very linear.
I've only worked on this one for several hours so far.

I'd like to have date created and date edited for each article.
I can't figure out where which template to edit.

I like how the page fades into towards the bottom.
The colors are boring.

Any advice to make it worthy of Oliver's work?
I still need to add a lot more content.

Do I stick with tables or have an attempt at div and css?
Last edited by 1996 328ti on Wed Nov 19, 2008 23:55, edited 1 time in total.
1996 328ti
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Re: Car Club site

Postby Kulinarisk on Sun Dec 30, 2007 16:35

You should definitely use divs and stylesheets. It gives you much better control. If you use tables, you have to edit every page manualy if you need to change fonts or colors. With a stylesheet you just make changes to one document and it parses to all documents (content and style being seperated) There's a tons of sites and CSS syntax is quite easy ;-) but practice makes perfect.
You need more padding and better linespacing(font) in your main content window. Don't use two navigational elements. It uses to much real estate and doesn't really help your visitor. 99 % of people use internal search to find pages(which you have in place). You should partition your page so people can navigate easier. For example your footer should be separated from your main content, now it just blends in. For the creation dates you need replacement tags which you place in your template, typically where you have your {CONTENT} tag. But in general check out all the great sites made with CSS. In Phpwcms you just edit the style sheet that comes with the system (make a backup) and just horse around. Hope this helps
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Re: Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Sun Dec 30, 2007 16:55

I'm using just one template but I think using divs will make it more compatible across browsers.

Two nav links.
I really wanted a horizontal nav bar with dropdowns.
But I wanted to do it with phpwcms only.
I'll get rid of the horizontal bar.

I'll take a closer look at using divs.
Try to get the footer at the bottom of all pages?

I am in awe of what people can do with phpwcms.
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Re: Car Club site

Postby flip-flop on Sun Dec 30, 2007 19:13

Hi, have a look to this navigation: - {NAV_HORIZ_DD:ID}

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Re: Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Sun Dec 30, 2007 22:15

Thanks. The last time I used the horiz nav it did not work.
I didn't realize I could select multiple css files. :oops:
I have to allow for some extra space for the vertical scroll bar.
Not sure if there is a better way to lay it out.

I think it's coming along.
Now to tighten up the height in the content section and give myself a little more room on the left and right.

temporary url

I'll work on it again New Years Day.
Happy New Year all!
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Re: Car Club site

Postby Jensensen on Mon Dec 31, 2007 21:07

think about all posts above
and your --> schedule???

search for calendar mod...


PS in germany we say: bmw 328 gti :wink:
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Re: Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Sun Jan 13, 2008 17:12

I completely rewritten the template of my original version.
I liked the simplicity of my first version but with input from others for whom I'm creating this site, I now have this version.
Things still to do
* additional content
* links from the schedule to the CPs
* need to change the teaser tag page look
* clean up the css code

So I ask my friends here, any further suggestions?
Last edited by 1996 328ti on Wed Nov 19, 2008 23:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Car Club site

Postby Jensensen on Sun Jan 13, 2008 18:08

much more impressive...
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Re: Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Sun Jan 13, 2008 18:12

Thanks. I did not come up with the header graphic.
The blue makes it stand out.
Blue and White for BMW.
Of course, our Oktoberfest is nothing like yours. :)
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Re: Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Tue Jan 22, 2008 02:50

Another week of improvements.

Added RSS feed.
Schedule on left linking to the content block.

I like it. :wink:
I'm working more on the content portion now.

But before I go too much further, any suggestions?
I believe it is compatible with most browsers.
It's not working with an older version of Safari, but I don't think that will be a problem.
I felt the banner was too big so I sliced it into 6 images. I'm hoping that will speed the download a bit.
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Re: Car Club site

Postby pepe on Tue Jan 22, 2008 08:55

...but why is there a 3 px distance between each of the slices?
mfG pepe

Natürlich lese ich hier immer noch mit (ist ja nicht mehr so viel), gespannt darauf, was noch kommen wird... und wann!
Denn phpwcms ist - nach wie vor - für den Benutzer ein TOP CMS, welches einen Vergleich nicht scheuen muß!

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Re: Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:47

pepe wrote:...but why is there a 3 px distance between each of the slices?

There shouldn't be. :oops:
They seem to be lining up correctly.
Do you see 3px all around each image?
What browser and OS are you using?
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Re: Car Club site

Postby pepe on Tue Jan 22, 2008 16:58

I mean the sliced image in the header... each has a distane of 3-5px?

I'm using a PC and IE 7.x

Please delete the linefeeds between the singel Images!!!
mfG pepe

Natürlich lese ich hier immer noch mit (ist ja nicht mehr so viel), gespannt darauf, was noch kommen wird... und wann!
Denn phpwcms ist - nach wie vor - für den Benutzer ein TOP CMS, welches einen Vergleich nicht scheuen muß!

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Re: Car Club site

Postby 1996 328ti on Sun Feb 03, 2008 02:40

pepe wrote:I mean the sliced image in the header... each has a distane of 3-5px?

I'm using a PC and IE 7.x

Please delete the linefeeds between the singel Images!!!
Now I see what you mean.
IE 6, IE7 are showing borders. Other browsers are OK.
I can get around that by using one image.
I sliced the image in the hopes it would load quicker.

Another problem is the content block is below the left column on IE 6.
I'm at a lost now. Out of the dozens of people who have looked at it, no one other than you has noticed a problem.
But I see it on my wife's PCs running IE7 and IE6.

EDIT: My workaround was to have one image for the header rather than 6 slices.
But I'd still love to know why there were margins between the slices.

EDIT: I tweaked a width and it appears OK in IE6.
1996 328ti
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Re: Car Club site

Postby johnsimmons on Wed Oct 01, 2008 15:54

Hi everybody....I am fro Mexico....Nice post about the sites under construction....I'd like to have date created and date edited for each article.I can't figure out where which template to edit...Thanks for posting....
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