Font size error in firefox

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Font size error in firefox

Postby 360fusion » Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:58


I am creating a website for a childrens hospice and am tring to get the font to be changble.

I ahve got this working and all is well in internet explore but in Firefox some pages stay a different size once you cahnge back to the original size.

has anyone come accross this before or know how to fix it.

This is the code is use in the template:

Code: Select all
<div id="fontSizer">
<img src="img/layout/fontsize.jpg" alt="Change Font Size" class="fontsize" border="0" />
<a href="[FontSize-]" title="make smaller"><img src="img/layout/font_smaller.gif" alt="Smaller" class="buttonSmaller" border="0" /></a>
<a href="[FontSize+]" title="make bigger"><img src="img/layout/font_larger.gif" alt="Bigger" class="buttonBigger" border="0" /></a>

This is the code in my stylesheet:

Code: Select all
#fontSizer {
   border-bottom: 1px dotted #005aab;
   padding-top: 7px;
   padding-bottom: 5px;
   margin-bottom: 10px;
   color: #002b51;
#fontSizer .buttonSmaller {
   position:    relative;
#fontSizer .buttonBigger {
   position:    relative;

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Postby isac » Sat Apr 14, 2007 13:25

It's working just fine :)

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Postby 360fusion » Sat Apr 14, 2007 17:06

Thanks for the reply. Well that's a relief. Maybe it's just my computer, i've tried clearing all kinds of caching and temp files but i always get this problem. I'll see if i can check it on friends machines too.

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Postby 360fusion » Mon Apr 16, 2007 09:12

I have tried this on a firends computer with fire fox and i get the same problem.

If i make the font larger, browse around, then make the font small again and browse around, some of the pages still have the larger font and some are back to normal.

I have managed to get this to work perfectly with xampp on localhost. maybe it has something to do with the live site. i'll look into it some more.

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