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Upgrade column: Lost laptops litter major airports

By Tony Hallett

The other day a colleague of mine over on wrote about London's Heathrow airport as a hotspot for lost …

Upgrade column: Tech Hotspots and lukewarm airports

By Steve Ranger

It's about time the airports serving the world's most high-tech cities added a bit of their own gee-whizz, says …

Upgrade column: Flexible wi-fi is the key

By Troy Simoni

The wi-fi user experience must improve if our on-the-road connectivity needs are to be met fully, says Troy …


Links we like

Evolution of Security

Shoes, liquids... inconsistencies. The blog from the Transportation Security Administration.


T5 gets UK's largest hotspot

T-Mobile does a deal throughout Heathrow's T5 - but it's not free...


Best airports for food

We all have opinions on the most common thing we do while online. This recent piece caught our eye...

from New York Times

War of 300 million devices will be won on software

BlackBerrys and iPhones may be gracing the pockets of the relative few today but the market for high-end mobiles is set for serious expansion thanks to the popularity of web 2.0 web apps like Facebook and Twitter.

A report by Juniper Research is predicting annual sales of smartphones will swell to 300 million by 2013 - up from about 153 million last year, a rise of around 95 per cent.


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