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High-tech shot in the arm for 1,800 hospital beds
Just what the doctor prescribed

Tags: cfh, medical, npfit, nhs

£7bn MoD IT project: Late, overbudget, unloved
Legacy systems are creaking

Tags: dii, atlas, mod, defence

Satyam customers told: Batten down the hatches
And prepare contingency measures

Tags: satyam, india, offshoring, outsourcing

Economy and patriotism keeps work on home turf
UK outsources onshore

Tags: offshoring, downturn, costs, uk

Dell sheds 1,900 Irish jobs
Restructuring plan in action…

Tags: dell, restructure, jobs, facility

Satyam suitors expected 'within a week'
Vulnerable to takeover, says analyst

Tags: outsourcing, satyam, offshoring, revenues

Satyam chief quits over financial irregularities
"Like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten"

Tags: satyam, offshoring, outsourcing, stock

400 IT jobs to go at Barclays
And union warns more at risk

Tags: barclays, unison, job cuts, financial services

Bangalore and Mumbai get the cold shoulder
Hello Hyderabad and nice to see you Noida, say tech firms

Tags: chennai, pune, pac, india

Getting your IT department ready for 2009
Virtualisation, green IT and cracking down on outsourcers

Tags: outsourcing, saas, cloud computing, green it

IT helps sloppy contract handling cost UK £160m
Whitehall haemorrhages more cash on tech

Tags: services, contract, waste, whitehall

PC breathalysers, green Linux and offshore pretenders
Stories of the month - December 2008

Tags: offshoring, security, crime, linux

Credit crunch can't cramp IT's €315bn style
Life gets harder in hardware

Tags: sales, it, eito

Department for Transport "incompetence" over shared services
"One of the worst cases of project management seen," says MP

Tags: government, transport, project management, shared services

UK Border Agency to "shake up" immigration with new IT
Signs £3m deal with IBM

Tags: uk, system, consulting, ibm

Businesses to get demanding of IT in 2009
Customers will want more bang for their buck, says Ovum

Tags: efficiency, itil, cloud computing, outsourcing

Moon mobiles, Windows without Gates and DIY wi-fi signal boosting
Stories of the year... What did you miss in 2008?

Tags: 2008, stories of the year

Revealed: The top 30 offshoring destinations
Young pretenders snapping at India's heels

Tags: india, china, offshoring

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