Init Seven AG



  Home [German]

Access Services
  Dialup in Switzerland

  Backbone / Peering Policy
  IP Address Test
  Traceroute / Looking Glass

  iALiVE.NET Webmonitor
  Webalizer ASN Extension

Service / Support
  Network Status - the international website of Init Seven AG

Init Seven AG is a Switzerland based independent internet service provider, mainly serving business and wholesale customers.

Our core competence are IP Transit (Bandwidth) and Co-location Services, among DSL, Leasedline and Connectivity within Switzerland and wholesale IP Transit / Partial Transit Capacity in several datacenters across Europe.

Init Seven AG
Elias Canetti-Strasse 7
CH-8050 Zurich

Tel +41 44 315 4400
Fax +41 44 315 4401


Blogs by Fredy Künzler:

Internet Scene Switzerland
Insider-Informationen über Schweizer Internet Service Provider. Entwicklungen und Trends, Gerüchte, Diagnosen und Prognosen über eine volatile Branche. (German)
... about backbones, CDN, datacenters, IP, peering and global telecommunications in general.

   Threats to the Internet Routing and Global Connectivity
   Sweden is monitoring IP traffic from / to Russia
   BOGONs should be updated every now and then ...
   IPv6 now! (says OECD)
   IPv6-only hour at RIPE #56
   Less than 1000 days left to IPv4 exhaustion
   Net Neutrality
   AS1299 and AS5511 to merge?
   The history of AS1
   How open vs. restrictive peering policy affects the AS-Path length
   Peering Community
   ... about


© 2000-2005 by Init Seven AG, all rights reserved.
Init Seven AG is an incorporated company registered under CH- - CH Internet Szene |
Init Seven AG supports Fredy Künzler - Kandidat für den Gemeinderat Winterthur