
Resolution adopted by the EP on the future of European patent policy

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On 12 October 2006 the European Parliament adopted a motion on the future of European patent policy. Below, you can find the original motion text merged with the adopted amendments.

Adopted resolution

(unofficial consolidated version by the FFII, amendments in bold)

The European Parliament,

A. whereas the deficiencies of the Community Patent proposals are unlikely to be resolved in the foreseeable future,

B. whereas an efficient, competitive and cost-effective patent system accessible to all is a key demand of the Lisbon Strategy for a competitive knowledge-based society and crucial for the thriving of small and medium-sized companies as well as large ones,

Ba. whereas there have been growing concerns about undesirable patents in various fields and about a lack of democratic control over the processes by which such patents are granted, validated and enforced,

1. Urges the Commission to explore all possible ways of improving the patent and patent litigation systems in the EU, including participation in further discussions on the European Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA) and acceding to the Munich Convention as well as revising the Community Patent proposals; as regards the EPLA, considers that the proposed text needs significant improvements , which address concerns about democratic control, judicial independence and litigation costs, and a satisfactory proposal for the Rules of Procedure of the EPLA Court;

1a. Reminds the Commission that all legislative proposals should be accompanied by an in-depth impact analysis related to patent quality, governance of the patent system, judicial independence and litigation costs;

2. Requests that Parliament's Legal Service be asked to provide an interim opinion on EU-related aspects of the possible conclusion of the EPLA by Member States in the light of overlaps between the EPLA and the acquis communautaire and to clarify legislative competences in this field;

3. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the Governments and Parliaments of the Member States.

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