Latest Press Releases

EurActiv’s Press Release Service is part of the wider FastActor service which includes the EurActiv JobSite and Agenda. It is an easy and affordable way of placing your relevant press release online. This service allows the users to maximise their online distribution and visibility and also provides the reader with a helpful tool to actively gather and aggregate press releases.

The press release service provides direct access to press releases on key issues for EU decision-makers posted by EU actors such as EU institutions, political parties, MEP's, trade associations, NGO's, and Companies. It aims to make it easier for journalists to pick up any press release they might have otherwise missed. We hope to become the point of reference for you.

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Risk assessment on BZP published (26.02.2009)
Source: Drugs and Addiction Agency - Thursday, Feb 26
The EMCDDA has published the risk assessment report on BZP which presents the presents the findings of the formal risk assessment, produced in 2007 by the Scientific Committee of the EMCDDA, with participation [...]
Commission focuses on disaster prevention and reduction of risks at home and abroad
Source: European Commission DG Environment - Monday, Feb 23
IP/09/303 Brussels, 23 February 2009 Commission focuses on disaster prevention and reduction of risks at home and abroad The European Commission today adopted two Communications related to disasters: a [...]