Editor's Choice

Can Europe provide leadership in Copenhagen?

It’s maybe hard to think of global warming as we shiver in the coldest European winter for two decades, but there are just nine months to go before COP15,  the UN conference on climate change in Copenhagen, which may well determine whether or not the world can respond to a threat to our planet which [...]

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Behind Closed Doors

Posted by florianpantazi on 13th February 2009

This week, Wang Qing of China Youth Daily has publicly asked the Chinese government to provide details regarding its economic recovery plan. The Chinese recovery plan, adopted in November last year, [...]

Wind Energy on its Way to a significant Global Power Supplier

Posted by Eberhard Rhein on 13th February 2009

In 2008 more than 40 percent of all newly installed power in the EU and USA is generated by wind turbines. European utilities invested 20 times more in wind-driven than in [...]

Reaching out to the ESU reacts to the Commission’s education and training strategic framework

Posted by esu on 13th February 2009

ESU reacts to the Commission’s education and training strategic framework It is designed to set the tone for cooperation on education policy across all 27 Member States for the decade [...]

What an institutional mess!

Posted by Stanley Crossick on 12th February 2009

The Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty is causing headaches and disagreement between institutions.  These centre on the appointment of the Commission president and the composition of the college and [...]

UK grid firm plans CO2 business

Posted by markjohnston on 12th February 2009

Article in The (London) Times, 11 February 2009. “National Grid is drawing up plans for a new business unit that will pipe carbon dioxide emissions from UK power stations for storage [...]

The EU, UK and civil liberties

Posted by nosemonkey on 12th February 2009

Via the Convention on Modern Liberty’s Twitter feed and following yesterday’s post on German concerns about the EU being used as a democratic bypass comes news of a worrying development [...]

Mozilla as the „third part“ - not good approach!

Posted by mmisso on 12th February 2009

I am really wondering about the logic and rationality of European Commission’s decision to invite Mozilla as the „third part“ in the antitrust case against Microsoft. CNET News informs: „Mozilla [...]

Sweden Changes 30-year-old Anti-Nuclear Policy

Posted by Dániel Antal on 12th February 2009

“the technology has a very different risk profile than CO2 emitting ones, it is not a risk-free alternative and it should only play a role in a 21st century energy [...]

World Bank destroyed Albanian village in joint operation with corrupted Government – a typical crime story from Balkans

Posted by AriRusila on 12th February 2009

This post was first published in TH!NK ABOUT IT site 12th February 2009. The internal report shows that a project of World Bank in southern Albania led to the destruction and [...]

Doit-on regretter Jean-Pierre Jouyet?

Posted by eurojunkie on 11th February 2009

D’après les dernières déclarations de Le Maire, le plan de relance de l’automobile ne serait pas du protectionnisme. Il semble bien être le seul à croire ce conte pour enfants: [...]

Charta 08 - A Blueprint for Reform ?

Posted by florianpantazi on 11th February 2009

By the end of 2008, the Dalai Lama-related diplomatic row between China and the EU, as well as a constant stream of dire news about the economic crisis have overshadowed [...]

Is Russia Heading…

Posted by florianpantazi on 11th February 2009

Towards Dictatorship ? Ever since the close of the Russian presidential elections, Western pundits have been asking themselves whether Russia is heading towards a dictatorship of sorts, or is still trying [...]

A Wake Up Call For Copenhagen

Posted by Eberhard Rhein on 11th February 2009

The unprecedented bush fires in the South-East of Australia should be an overdue wake-up call for Australia and humanity to dramatically step up the fight against climate change and adopt [...]

On party politics

Posted by nosemonkey on 11th February 2009

Originally posted as a comment to a post at the Local Democracy blog, a brief summary of my dislike of the British system of government/elections. The prime reason why I [...]

The Cozma Murder Case: A New Form Of Ethnic Tension in Central Europe

Posted by Antal Dániel on 11th February 2009

A tragic act of crime, the killing of Marian Cozma, a great Romanian handball player, has sparkled ethnic tension in the region to an all-high point. The scene is Hungary, [...]
