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Intel and LG to hook up in Moorestown
Mobile internet devices: The new smartphone?

Tags: intel, moorestown, chip, lg

Google plays geotag with Gmail
Location, location, location...

Tags: google, email, latitude, lbs

Execs bypass system security
No time for rules

Tags: security, it manager, cio, policies

Winter Olympics tech on track for gold
Systems fired up for 2010 Games

Tags: olympics, software, hardware, atos origin

Symbian Foundation recruits more supporters
Bank and social network joins its buddy list

Tags: symbian foundation, open source, foundation, america

Should companies own up to losing your data?
The arguments for - and against

Tags: hmrc, ico, data breach, data loss

Linux open source Silverlight is live
Basking in the Moonlight

Tags: open source, silverlight, microsoft, moonlight

Windows 7 buzz killing Vista?
But Microsoft urges biz to "keep going" with Vista

Tags: vista, machines, gartner, compatibility

Microsoft: Windows Azure to be "very price competitive"
But no figures floating around yet

Tags: windows, microsoft, azure, conference

Open source and cloud: Credit crunch busters
And is Microsoft under "severe threat"?

Tags: open source, intellect, microsoft, cloud video
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Military intelligence to get £190m link up
Latest stage keeps Above Secret data safe

Tags: mod, eds, atlas, dii

Airlines fear delays from snooping tech
£1.2bn system landing in busy holiday season

Tags: airport, security, snooping, airline

Microsoft patches critical Exchange, IE holes
Stopping access to 'cybercriminals' goldmine'

Tags: microsoft, ie, exchange, patch

Mozilla given voice in Europe's Microsoft case
Granted 'third-party' status

Tags: firefox, eu, antitrust, microsoft

Police turn to IT industry to help fight cybercrime
Opening communications…

Tags: e-crime, cybercrime, it, pceu

Green-lighted drivers pay less to drive
Computer says yes…

Tags: driving, insurance, cars, council

Tweet to boost your CRM cred
Contact centre 2.0...

Tags: twitter, crm, microblogging, channel

Business tightens up on laptop security
Poll: But still not tight enough

Tags: laptop, lock, encryption, security

Microsoft and Google in licence to share pact
Getting in sync

Tags: google, email, sharing, microsoft

UK troops sheltered from friendly fire by £3m tech
Combat Identification Server in place by 2010

Tags: mod, qinetiq, friendly fire, identification

Debenhams buys project management app
Information at its fingertips

Tags: debenhams, project management, ca, tech

Police database will make "a very big difference"
But it's an enormous job, says CIO

Tags: police, information sharing, soham, bichard

Hospital bitten by watchdog over stolen laptops
Unencrypted data goes walkabout… again

Tags: nhs, ico, data security, portable

SAP busts out biggest upgrade in three years
But should businesses show caution in light of crunch?

Tags: sap, upgrade, software, recession

UK is Big Brother capital of the world say Lords
Who's got your DNA?

Tags: surveillance, id cards, nhs, ministry of justice

'Less secure' Windows 7 gets some changes
Microsoft responds to critics

Tags: windows, microsoft, uac, vista

EU: No common protection scheme for ID card data
Countries differ on approach to privacy

Tags: id card, data, eu, privacy

HP netbook ditches Linux
No open source OS for UK

Tags: netbook, os, linux, hp

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