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My fears about the evolution of Linux

My fears about the evolution of Linux

Comment For large-scale adoption, Linux needs to be as simple to use as the competition. But that shouldn't mean it becomes inflexible, says Jack Wallen [18 Feb 2009]

Dialogue Box 5.8: Return of the Axis of Awesome Video icon

Dialogue Box 5.8: Return of the Axis of Awesome

Video What do a netbook, an ultraportable, a smartphone, a pico projector and a weird videophone have in common? All have been examined by Dialogue Box and consigned to their places on the Axis Of Awesome [16 Feb 2009]

Lord Carter: Securing a digital future for Britain

Lord Carter: Securing a digital future for Britain

Comment Digital Britain report architect Stephen Carter says it will take a careful balance of private and public initiatives to roll out a broadband infrastructure to the whole of the UK in the face of the worst investment climate for years [10 Feb 2009]

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Dialogue Box 5.7: A projector in the hand Video icon

Dialogue Box 5.7: A projector in the hand

Video Take a DLP chip and combine it with a low-power LED lamp and you have a projection engine that can run off battery power and fit in a smartphone-sized case. Dialogue Box takes a peek at the new world of pico projectors [09 Feb 2009]

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What to do if your supercomputing supplier fails

What to do if your supercomputing supplier fails

Comment High-performance computing providers often live on the edge — technologically and financially. But if your supplier fails, it need not be a disaster, according to Andrew Jones [05 Feb 2009]

Latest White Papers

A Report and Estimating Tool for K-12 School Districts: Virginia District Case Study

Publisher: Consortium for School Networking

The Virginia case study school district is primarily suburban and growing with 166,600 students on 241 campuses. Recent district technology initiatives include new help desk and dispatch software, application integration... [18 Feb 2009]

Apple Computer Case Study: Wilson Elementary School

Publisher: Apple Computer

Knowing the background of Wilson's students makes the story all the more remarkable. Of the nearly 700 students in the school, 98 percent are Hispanic, 54 percent are English language... [18 Feb 2009]

Automated Citation Solutions

Publisher: Symbol Technologies

At this brief online seminar sponsored by Symbol Technologies, the leader in Automated Citation Solutions, you'll see how police departments ranging from the LAPD to the NYPD are dramatically reducing... [18 Feb 2009]

Business Strategies for Accelerating Growth: The Value of Making Better Decisions through CRM

Publisher: Siebel Systems

Want to improve your organization?s decision-making ability? Do better decisions increase profits, reduce risk and operating costs, and improve customer, partner, and employee satisfaction? Download this Siebel Systems white... [18 Feb 2009]

Center for Technology Excellence: 2005 Computerworld Honors Case Study

Publisher: IDG (International Data Group)

GSK is a leading, $35-billion-a-year pharmaceutical firm headquartered in the United Kingdom with global operations spanning 37 nations and based from the U.S. GSK's U.S. IT group launched a project... [18 Feb 2009]

Consolidated Platform Makes Bank Lighter on Its Feet

Publisher: Microsoft

Abbey National is the fifth largest high street bank in the UK competing in retail and wholesale banking with a wide range of products and services. Computer systems and networks... [18 Feb 2009]

Leading Eastern European Bank Introduces New Services More Rapidly and Cuts Management Costs by 20 Percent by Consolidating to the Sun Fire 12K Server Platform

Publisher: Sun Microsystems

SEB Vilniaus Bankas is the only bank in the country that belongs to Euroclear, an international securities clearing and settlement system. When evaluating potential server platforms for the redundant, centralized... [18 Feb 2009]

Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Exploring Innovative Windows Mobile Devices

Publisher: Microsoft

Are you looking for a way to stay in touch with e-mail messaging, Web browsing, even reading and editing of Word and Excel files on the go? The highly integrated... [18 Feb 2009]

Oracle Case Study: Tools for Bending

Publisher: Oracle

Tools for Bending was a small company with premier customers and complex business challenges. Known for its high-quality tooling, the company needed to enhance its business processes such as estimating... [18 Feb 2009]

Professional Services Navigates Aviation IT Solution Company to Safe Landing at New Data Center Location

Publisher: Sun Microsystems

SITA is the world's leading provider of global information and telecommunications solutions to the aviation industry. Data availability and protection were key concerns as SITA began planning the move of... [18 Feb 2009]

Profiles in Success: Maine Public Schools

Publisher: Apple Computer

The Maine Department of Education issued a Request for Proposal and selected Apple through a competitive bid process to provide iBook computers for every seventh- and eighth-grade pupil and teacher... [18 Feb 2009]

Securing Your Exchange 2003 Environment - Level 200 (dupe)

Publisher: Microsoft

This session addresses various basic security features of Exchange 2003, which enable security for servers, messages, and communication. We will cover using Windows Security to Delegate Authority, Preventing Denial of... [18 Feb 2009]

Supporting Personalised Learning - The Interactive Logbook University of Birmingham

Publisher: Higher Education Funding Council for England

The Interactive Logbook was developed as a research project within the Centre for Educational Technology and Distance Learning (CETADL) at the University of Birmingham. The aim was to design a... [18 Feb 2009]

The Death of the Meta Tags

Publisher: Bloofusion

If you want to improve your web site's search engine ranking and think about adding meta tags - forget it. Meta tags are hereby officially declared dead. This white paper... [18 Feb 2009]

The Prescription for Information Security and Availability for Healthcare Providers

Publisher: Symantec

The goals of improving the level of care, patient safety, and physician productivity are driving healthcare providers to increase their strategic adoption of information technology. The IT infrastructure must not... [18 Feb 2009]

Univar USA Increases Ef?ciency, a Productivity With StreamLine SL8500 Modular Library System and Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) System

Publisher: Sun Microsystems

Univar USA, a top nationwide chemical distributor, wanted to improve the efficiency and performance of its tape storage environment, which encompassed thousands of legacy 36-track and DLT tape cartridges. Univar... [18 Feb 2009]

Wavetrend Technologies Case Study: Thamesport

Publisher: Wavetrend Technologies

Built at the turn of the nineties, Thamesport, located at the Isle of Grain, Kent has quickly become one of the leading players in the European container handling market. Thamesport... [18 Feb 2009]

AWI: The Alfred Wegener Institute IP-Based Videoconferencing From Antarctica

Publisher: Emblaze-VCON

The Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany's leading polar and marine research organization, coordinates Polar expeditions from its main research facilities in Bremen, Germany. The Institute was seeking a unique method... [17 Feb 2009]

Accelerating Tsunami Relief at San Diego State University

Publisher: SGI

When the horrific tsunami arose from the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004, the Immersive Visualization Center at San Diego State University (SDSU) sprang into action. Already involved with the... [17 Feb 2009]

An Electrified Approach to Asset Management

Publisher: STAR INFORMATIC Group

Elia is Belgium's national electricity transmission system operator. For an essential electricity grid operator with a reputation for providing one of Europe's most reliable grids, the stagnant style of managing... [17 Feb 2009]

Latest Downloads

The Performance Organiser

Publisher: JIT Software

Model your team to keep it balanced. [18 Feb 2009]

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Definitions

Publisher: Kaspersky Lab

Detect the malicious programs. [18 Feb 2009]

NOD32 ThreatSense Update

Publisher: Eset

Threat sense update. [18 Feb 2009]


Publisher: BLUEtub Design and Production

Know wine, rate wine, share wine. [17 Feb 2009]

Ad-Aware 2008 Definition File

Publisher: Lavasoft

Update your Ad-Aware 2008 definition file to the latest release. [17 Feb 2009]

White Paper

Featured White Paper

NAC: Bridging the Network Security Gap

Enterprises must take a robust policy-driven approach to enforcing security compliance in order to protect against network vulnerabilities and meet regulatory requirements. This paper examines technology and initiatives designed to capitalize on existing investments and prevent any gaps in security.

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zaine_ridling zaine_ridling

Microsoft's biggest threat: Linux

Wednesday 18 February 2009, 1:30 PM

1 comment
arniesaccnuson arniesaccnuson

Panasonic has 1p integration error

Wednesday 18 February 2009, 11:24 AM

fancollo fancollo

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (lenny) Released

Wednesday 18 February 2009, 11:08 AM

J.A. Watson J.A. Watson

Country vicar 0 - evil technology 1

Wednesday 18 February 2009, 10:15 AM


The News Blog

Ballmer praises openness, attacks iPho...

Companies in the mobile industry will need to be "open" to succeed, Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer said on Tuesday. However, he said, this may take place "in different ways... More


Qualcomm and Nokia ink deal. Hell repo...

It's been one of the great spats of the mobile world - Nokia versus Qualcomm. At heart were vertiginous stacks of disputed intellectual property; both companies owning essential IP... More

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AT&T;: Dell to release smartphone

Dell is set to launch a smartphone, AT&T; chief executive Ralph de la Vega has revealed. Speaking at a Mobile World Congress keynote session on Tuesday morning, de la Vega said: "Acer... More

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