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SME Director news and commentary

Apple: Jailbreaking iPhones violates copyright
But what about "innovation economy?"

Tags: apple, iphone, hack, jailbreaking

Open source and cloud: Credit crunch busters
And is Microsoft under "severe threat"?

Tags: open source, intellect, microsoft, cloud

Mozilla given voice in Europe's Microsoft case
Granted 'third-party' status

Tags: firefox, eu, antitrust, microsoft

Business tightens up on laptop security
Poll: But still not tight enough

Tags: laptop, lock, encryption, security

RIM execs to pay $74m in stock-backdating case
Balsillie's and Lazaridis' wallets take a hit

Tags: rim, mobile, blackberry, executives

EU: No common protection scheme for ID card data
Countries differ on approach to privacy

Tags: id card, data, eu, privacy

Can IT be a green hero?
Depends how you measure it

Tags: green, efficiency, future, emissions

Drunk Facebook photos killing your job prospects?
Guess who's poking around your profile...

Tags: facebook, job hunting, social networking, truth

Social networks will help your business, says Brussels
Making friends - and making money

Tags: social networking, brussels, linkedin, facebook

Almost half of UK tech companies to cut IT staff
And make techies work harder for fewer bonuses

Tags: job cuts, techies, skills, recession video
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Project Kangaroo shot dead by Competition Commission
Caught in a competition trap

Tags: kangaroo, channel 4, bbc, project

The biggest security threat is… you
Poll: So don't touch that keyboard

Tags: security, hacker, phishing, future

Ballmer on the economy: Tech will save us
IT gives 'glimpse of hope'

Tags: steve ballmer, economy, credit crunch, microsoft

Two-thirds of UK's top IT security jobs unfilled
It's all about the skills

Tags: security, whitehall, skills, it

Kurzweil and friends launch Silicon Valley university
Calling all problem solvers, thinkers and entrepreneurs

Tags: nanotech, silicon valley, kurzweil, photos

Barclays CIO quits
Pastures new for Rickert

Tags: cio, bank, barclays, confirmed

What if Microsoft-Yahoo! had tied the knot?
News analysis: What might have been…

Tags: microsoft, google, yahoo, economy

Irish ISP to ban illegal music downloaders
Record labels win a round

Tags: isp, download, ireland, music

Don't trust your colleagues? Get on Facebook, IM
'It's social media darling... '

Tags: social media, communications, im, workers

Rejected: Intel's appeal to delay antitrust
EU case on track

Tags: antitrust, chip, amd, intel

SAP to shed 3,000 jobs despite healthy results
"All countries" to contribute to staff cuts

Tags: losses, jobs, sap, economic

IBM and Apple settle Papermaster dispute
Former IBM exec allowed a bite of the Apple

Tags: ibm, papermaster, iphone, chip

CIO Job Report: Movers and shakers
January's news from the senior IT job merry-go-round...

Tags: jobs, ubs, hmrc, cio

UK managers thinking the unthinkable
Polishing CVs while waiting for the axe

Tags: redundancy, cmi, jobs, managers

Monster users victims of data theft
Job hunters on hackers' radar

Tags: hackers, job, e-crime, monster

Phillips to shed 6,000 jobs
After a $1.9bn loss…

Tags: philips, jobs, recession, q4

Scratched iPod nanos cost Apple $22.5m
First a nano case, then a court case

Tags: nano, law, scratch, apple

Intel's chairman to retire in May
Craig Barrett cashes in his chips

Tags: intel, chips, retire, craig barrett

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