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Sony Ericsson rethinks, remodels

Sony Ericsson rethinks, remodels

Monday morning in Barcelona. The skies are blue, the mobile industry jargon impenetrable as always. My thoughts turn to last night's Sony Ericsson event, partially for the mild cava...


[16 Feb 2009]

by David Meyer

Monday 16 February 2009, 5:47 PM

Panasonic has 1p integration error

From Barker Bites Back | Add a comment


Colin Barker Oh dear, I have to report a bit of a goof here. Not by me, I hasten to add, but by those awfully nice Panasonic people. The problem for Panasonic was that, according to the ZDNet UK news blog on Thursday, arniesaccnuson of Gloucester had... more

Monday 16 February 2009, 5:14 PM

Is Red Hat threatening to do a Novell with latest virtualisation move?

From Triplesourced | Uptime | Add a comment


Andrew Donoghue Just seen a release come in from Red Hat promising to play nicely with Microsoft over their competing virtualisation approaches. It smacks slightly of the kind of release you'd expect from the Novell/MS tie-up but it's unlikely that Red... more

Monday 16 February 2009, 4:52 PM

Rwandan tech ambitions hit by corruption charges

From Triplesourced | Add a comment


Andrew Donoghue A contact who has travels to Rwanda fairly often and has been impressed by the country's investment in IT infrastructure over recent years, just sent me a rather worrying/amusing link. The country has ambitions to become the "Singapore of... more

Monday 16 February 2009, 2:44 PM

Did Chinese install spyware on Indian government computers?

From Graham Cluley's blog | Sentry Posts | Add a comment


Graham Cluley Sources inside India's Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) have confirmed to the media that "several" of its 600 computers have been infected by spyware. The spyware is said to affect computers inside the section of the Indian ministry which... more

Monday 16 February 2009, 1:46 PM

Nasa hacker to wait longer for prosecution decision

From Security Bullet In | News Blog | Sentry Posts | Add a comment


Tom Espiner The Crown Prosecution Service has said that self-confessed Nasa hacker Gary McKinnon will have to wait to find out whether he will be prosecuted in the UK. Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Keir Starmer is currently considering whether... more

Monday 16 February 2009, 12:16 PM

LogMeIn adds Android remote support

From Communication Breakdown | News Blog | On The Road | Add a comment


David Meyer LogMeIn, a company that specialises in remote support technology, is currently demonstrating its support for the Android platform at Mobile World Congress. Rescue+Mobile for Android allows IT support to remotely access a user's Android-based... more

Monday 16 February 2009, 12:11 PM

Digital asset management - guts versus gloss

From Software application development | Add a comment


Adrian Bridgwater Starting the week off with a whole load of tech news to digest, I was tempted (for no good reason) to let rip on the digital asset management industry this morning and voice my own loudly vented spleen in no uncertain terms. Document management,... more

Monday 16 February 2009, 9:37 AM

Wallace and Gromit say patents are fun kids!

From Triplesourced | Add a comment


Andrew Donoghue It seems that Oscar winning animation duo Wallace and Gromit have teamed up against their latest foe. This time its not an evil Were-rabbit or a scheming Penguin but shock! Horror! that terrible scourge of the modern world - innovating without... more

Sunday 15 February 2009, 5:00 PM

Weekend Success - Ubuntu 8.10 on the HP 2133 Mini-Note

From Jamie's Random Musings | Reviews Blog | 8 comments


J.A. Watson Well, after considerable struggle, it has been a successful weekend. I've been trying since the first day that I got my HP 2133 Mini-Note to get Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) installed on it, without success. The Ubuntu WIki indicates that you... more

Friday 13 February 2009, 12:35 PM

Cracks in the Foundation

From Home Server Projects | Small Business Blog | Add a comment


Xwindowsjunkie I've been reading all of the reports of job layoffs in practically every industry and location in the world. The one that's got me intrigued though is the 5000 job layoff at Microsoft. I don't really know what that means. If all 5000 of... more

Friday 13 February 2009, 8:54 AM

Seven (more) reasons to love a developer on Valentine’s Day

From Software application development | Add a comment


Adrian Bridgwater A year ago I wrote a blog right here on ZDNet.co.uk entitled Seven Reasons to Love Developers on Valentines Day full of heartfelt love for the IT industry and software application development in particular. One year on, I’m faced with the... more

Friday 13 February 2009, 8:25 AM

Google and Data Portability: a two pronged approach or fork in the road?

From The Business Web 2.0 | 4 comments


wecando.biz Google announces enhancements to Google Friend Connect while also showing another way of remote login and bringing over contacts at an OpenID meeting hosted by Facebook... Confused? Me too. Oh it used to be so simple. Google came out early... more

Thursday 12 February 2009, 7:18 AM

Midget widgets for mobile digits

From Software application development | Add a comment


Adrian Bridgwater Satiating the seemingly limitless demand for greater handheld device functionality, mobile developers are being given increasingly powerful options for fine-tuning the user experience with mobile widget toolkits. So what you say? Well, I... more

Thursday 12 February 2009, 4:58 AM

Deploying education desktops - made easier

From Khaotic Musings | 2 comments


conz I've been working on a project to outfit schools with 'spray and wipe' versions of live educational USB-key Linux distros for netbooks, for quite a while; I'll write about this work on here sometime. I was therefore interested to hear about... more

Wednesday 11 February 2009, 5:41 PM

DPP McKinnon decision may be delayed

From Security Bullet In | News Blog | Sentry Posts | Add a comment


Tom Espiner The decision as to whether to prosecute Nasa hacker Gary McKinnon in the UK may be pushed back further. On 15 January McKinnon's solicitor, Karen Todner, told me that she had received a fax from the director of public prosecutions (DPP) Keir... more

Wednesday 11 February 2009, 5:28 PM

EC tackles social networking safety

From Communication Breakdown | News Blog | Add a comment


David Meyer The European Commission says it has brokered a deal between various social networks, including Facebook, Bebo, YouTube, MySpace and many others, to keep children safer while surfing. This sort of thing is always terrifically difficult to... more


Bob Wya Bob Wya

Sock it to them!!

Monday 16 February 2009, 7:16 PM

1 comment
roger andre roger andre

Sony Ericsson rethinks, remodels

Monday 16 February 2009, 3:26 PM


Small business blog


Mobile Banking Safe? Not So Much… Happy Valentines?

Mobile Banking Safe? Not So Much… Happy Valentines? Author: Eric Everson; Founder MyMobiSafe.com How many times do we have to read analyst’s sugar coating the threats that mobile banking faces?...



Cracks in the Foundation

I've been reading all of the reports of job layoffs in practically every industry and location in the world. The one that's got me intrigued though is the 5000 job layoff at Microsoft. I don't...



Suchit Singhal New Business Chat

Hello Peers, Let’s chat on Outsourcing. Please share your thoughts on Software Outsourcing & Recruitment Process Outsourcing


The News Blog

Nasa hacker to wait longer for prosecu...

The Crown Prosecution Service has said that self-confessed Nasa hacker Gary McKinnon will have to wait to find out whether he will be prosecuted in the UK. Director of Public Prosecutions... More

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LogMeIn adds Android remote support

LogMeIn, a company that specialises in remote support technology, is currently demonstrating its support for the Android platform at Mobile World Congress. Rescue+Mobile for Android... More

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DPP McKinnon decision may be delayed

The decision as to whether to prosecute Nasa hacker Gary McKinnon in the UK may be pushed back further. On 15 January McKinnon's solicitor, Karen Todner, told me that she had received... More

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Microsoft's secret deals on open source

Microsoft's secret deals on open source

Leader Microsoft has been building a portfolio of open-source licence deals. It still prefers secrecy more

Digital Britain needs foresight, not flannel

Digital Britain needs foresight, not flannel

Leader Lord Carter's Digital Britain interim report fails to challenge or convince. Foresight, not flannel, is needed more

A billion internet users can be wrong

A billion internet users can be wrong

Leader Global internet usage reached over one billion unique visitors in December, says ComScore. However, the web is not the net more

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