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Do you have questions about ineedhits services, ordering, payments or any other aspect of our website? We are committed to making your experience with ineedhits as easy and enjoyable as possible.

This page provides answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

If you haven't found answers to your questions here, please contact us using our Live Chat service, or email us at, 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday.

Clicks4Sure Frequently Asked Questions - Click Here
Traffic Trifecta Frequently Asked Questions - Click Here
Easy PPC Frequently Asked Questions - Click Here
Search Submit Basic Frequently Asked Questions - Click Here
Local Search Listing Frequently Asked Questions - Click Here

Ordering/Payments/Account Management FAQ

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about ordering, payments and your account management area.

  1. What are my payment options?
  2. In what currency are your prices listed?
  3. Are your order forms on a secure server?
  4. Do you provide services for Adult websites?
  5. I forgot my account login details, what can I do?
  6. What are Tasks?
  7. Once I have viewed my reports as a part of a Task, am I able to view the reports again?
  8. Where can I edit my account details?

Search Engine Optimization FAQ

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about search engine optimization services offered by ineedhits.

  1. What is search engine optimization?
  2. What is Keyword Analysis?
  3. What is Code Optimization?
  4. What is a Search Readiness Report?
  5. What do you mean by term “search engine ready”?
  6. What are meta tags?
  7. Do I need to review my title tag?
  8. What are ALT tags and do I need to use them?
  9. How can I make my website more search engine friendly?
  10. Can dynamic Web pages be indexed?
  11. What is search engine spamming?
  12. How can I make the best use of ineedhits optimization services?

Search Engine Submission FAQ

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about search engine submission services offered by ineedhits.

  1. Is Easy Submit a one time charge or a monthly charge?
  2. Is Easy Submit a “worldwide” submission service?
  3. Which 300 search engines do you submit to?
  4. I submitted my website using Easy Submit and then changed its content. Do I need to submit again?
  5. How long will it take before my website is indexed by the search engines?
  6. How often should I resubmit my website?
  7. What is the difference between a search engine and a directory?
  8. What is Paid Inclusion?
  9. Do you submit to Yahoo!?

Online Advertising FAQ

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about online advertising services offered by ineedhits.

  1. What online advertising services do you offer?
  2. What file type and size should my banner be?
  3. Where do my banners get displayed and how do the displays work?
  4. Can you create a banner for my website?
  5. Where can I view my newsletter advert?
  6. Can I request specific text for my newsletter advert?

Packages FAQ

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about SEO and Online Marketing Packages offered by ineedhits.

  1. What are the advantages of purchasing one of the ineedhits solutions?
  2. What is included in the Advanced Submission Package?
  3. What is included in the Basic Optimization Package?
  4. What is included in the Professional Optimization Package?
  5. What is included in the Basic Traffic Package?
  6. What is included in the Advanced Traffic Package?
  7. What is included in the Professional Traffic Package?


Q: What are my payment options?

A: Customers of can pay by credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diners Club. In addition to payments from credit accounts, we also except VISA and MasterCard check cards.


Q: In what currency are your prices listed?

A: All prices are listed in US dollars. If your credit card statement is based on a different currency, the charges to your credit card will be converted to and displayed in your home currency on your credit card statement. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.


Q: Are your order forms on a secure server?

A: Yes. All ordering processes on Website take place on a secure server and we can assure you that your credit card details will remain confidential at all times.


Q: Do you provide services for Adult websites?

A: We do provide optimization and submission services for Adult websites, but with some restrictions depending on the content and the explicit nature of the website.

Due to legality restrictions we are NOT able to provide advertising services (Banner Advertising and Newsletter Advertising) for Adult websites.

SUBMISSIONS: We will carry out submission services for Adult websites, but only to search engines that accept adult websites in their indexes.


Q: I forgot my account login details, what can I do?

A: All you have to do is go to, enter your email address (the one that you have registered when you placed your order) and your password will be emailed to you.


Q: What are Tasks?

A: Tasks are a variety of reminders to help you make the best use of our services and to make your interaction with ineedhits as simple and enjoyable as possible. Tasks contain reminders (for example, if your credit card has expired, or if we require certain information to fulfill your order) and notifications (such as when a service is completed, or download reports become available). Each Task is designed in such a way that you are lead straight to the relevant page of your account.


Q: Once I have read my reports as a part of a Task, am I able to view the reports again?

A: All your reports will always be available in the My Reports and My Websites section of your account management area.

My Reports sorts your reports by date. My Websites lets you view your services and their status by URL.


Q: Where can I edit my account details?

A: All you have to do is login to your account and go to My Account. Here, you are able to securely edit your personal details, email communication preferences, and credit card details.


Q: What is search engine optimization?

A: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is both a science and an art ensuring that a website appears higher on a search engine results page for relevant search terms. This is achieved by altering a number of factors both on and off the page to take advantage of the way that a search engine works. Ineedhits offers a range of SEO services in our optimization section.


Q: What is Keyword Analysis?

A: Choosing the right keywords is a crucial part of search engine optimization. Keyword Analysis is the process of finding the most effective keywords/phrases and the most popular and suitable variations of those phrases for your website. Our SEO Specialists can provide you with a Keyword Analysis for your website. Click here to find out more!


Q: What is Code Optimization?

A: Your website’s code is what a search engine spider “reads” when it visits your site, therefore, it is very important that your website’s code is search engine ready and optimized to enjoy good ranking in search engine results. Ineedhits’ Code Optimization is an easy solution, performed by our SEO Specialists, to ensure your code contains the all important meta tags, but no errors. Click here to find out more!


Q: What is a Search Readiness Report?

A: The Search Readiness Report offers an initial site assessment by our professional SEO Specialists to see if your site is search engine ready. It includes an overall search readiness score, recommended changes, explanations and tips. Click here to find out more!


Q: What do you mean by term “search engine ready”?

A: Search engine ready website code is the code that has no errors and contains optimized title and meta tags, and therefore it is ready to be indexed in search engines and enjoy good rankings.


Q: What are meta tags?

A: Meta tags are bits of text placed within the HTML code, but that are not displayed on the website. Search engines use these tags for the sole purpose of indexing and cataloging your website. The meta tags are always found between the <Head> and </Head> tags.

If you would like assistance in creating meta tags for your website, our Code Optimization service is a perfect solution. Click here to find out more!


Q: Do I need to review my title tag?

A: When your website is loaded onto a customer's browser or a search engine's spider, the title tag is the first piece of information used to catalogue (index) your site. Because your title is VERY important in the search engine indexing and ranking process, you need to make your title as descriptive as possible.


Q: What are ALT tags and do I need to use them?

A: ALT tags are alternative text that can be displayed instead of an image if a visitor of your website cannot see the images. You should use ALT tags especially if your website contains lots of photos or graphic-image maps at the top of your home page. The reason for this is that some search engines will give take this alternative text into account when they rank your website.

Generally, ALT tags look like following:

<img src="/images/ineedhits.gif" alt=" : Professional Search Engine Marketing Company">


Q: How can I make my website more search engine friendly?

A: Try to avoid using large amounts of multimedia on your website. This includes using movies, Flash development, JavaScript or visual basic scripting (forms).

Frame pages and redirections can also hinder search engine spiders from crawling through your website. One way to get around this if you feel you need to have frames is to basically code a normal page and place it within <noframes> tags. This will be picked up by the search engine spider as it will jump over your <frameset>, and then proceed to index whatever information is within the <noframes> tags.

Redirections are a big no-no for search engines. Many will penalize, or not index your page at all, if you have redirections on your page. The reason for this is that many people try to trick the search engines by optimizing a page for specific keywords, but then redirect people to something completely different.

You can get an initial assessment of your website by our professional SEO Specialists to see if your site is search engine ready. Simply order our Search Readiness Report.


Q: Can dynamic Web pages be indexed?

A: Search engine spiders cannot naturally crawl dynamic pages. Therefore, if you need these pages to be listed in search engines, they need to be submitted individually.

You can use our Easy Submit service to submit your dynamic pages.


Q: What is search engine spamming?

A: Search engine spamming involves using different methods to deceive search engine spiders to achieve higher ranking. The most common search engine techniques are doorway pages, hidden text, keyword stuffing, etc. If you use any of these techniques your page will be penalized and removed from the search engine index.


Q: How can I make the best use of ineedhits’ optimization services?

A: To achieve the best results from ineedhits’ optimization services you should follow instructions and recommendations outlined in the reports that you will receive from us.

One of the common mistakes is not uploading the optimized code, so that the service cannot take the effect. If you are not sure about what you need to do after we have completed services for you, you can always talk to one of our friendly customer care representatives by clicking on the Live Chat button located at the top right corner of this page.


Q: Is Easy Submit a one time charge or a monthly charge?

A: When you place an order for Easy Submit you will be charged monthly for each URL you sent to us and the services will be completed for each particular URL.


Q: Is Easy Submit a “worldwide” submission service?

A: All of our submission services are aimed at a worldwide promotional level. We submit to all the major search engines including Google, AllTheWeb, Jayde, ScrubTheWeb, Abacho, Aeiwi, ExactSeek, Mirago, Search It, Sympatico, Web Trawler and many more. However we cannot select a certain country or category for your website to be included in.


Q: Which 300 search engines do you submit to?

A: To view a complete list of the search engines that we submit your website to with our Easy Submit service please click here.


Q: I submitted my website using Easy Submit and then changed its content. Do I need to submit again?

A: Currently none of the major search engines instantly index pages but it is still best to make any alterations prior to submitting. However, we recommend that if you have to make alterations, do them no later than 2 weeks after submitting, just to be on the safe side!


Q: How long will it take before my website is indexed by the search engines?

A: After we have submitted your website to the search engines and directories it will take between one day and eight weeks for your website to be added to their indexes, depending on the search engine. Some smaller search engines will take only a few days to index your page. However, most of the other larger search engines will take several weeks. Such a delay between the date of submission and the date of indexing is due to the extremely high number of submissions (sometimes tens of thousands) that the most popular engines receive each day.

Please be advised that we only submit your website to the search engines and cannot guarantee that they will include your website in their indexes. If you want to ensure guaranteed inclusion of your website into search engine indexes, we recommend our Paid Inclusion programs such as G-Boost for guaranteed Google inclusion or Yahoo! Search Submit for inclusion in the Yahoo! search index. 


Q: How often should I resubmit my website?

A: We recommend resubmitting your website whenever the page content has been updated, so you might want to consider repeating a submission service monthly. You can do this by ordering our Easy Submit or Premium Submit services.


Q: What is the difference between a search engine and a directory?

A: The fundamental difference between search engines and directories is that search engines utilize spiders/crawlers to gather information about websites (e.g. Google), whereas directories are usually human edited and require a human to input this information during the submission process (e.g. Complete Online Directory).


Q: What is Paid Inclusion?

A: Paid Inclusion is a submission service where you pay a fee to a search engine and then that search engine guarantees that your website will be included in its index. Paid Inclusion programs will also ensure that your website is indexed very fast and crawled on regular basis. For example, Yahoo! Search Submit will provide you with a 4 business day index inclusion and weekly page refresh.


Q: Do you submit to Yahoo!?

A: Our Premium Submit submission service submits your Web page to Yahoo! via free submission.

If you would like guaranteed inclusion into the Yahoo! index then you have the option of using our Yahoo! Search Submit paid inclusion service.


Q: What online advertising services do you offer?

A: We offer Banner Advertising and Newsletter Advertising services. Banner Advertising services include displaying a banner you have provided us with or the one that we have created for you, on the website. The website is one of the most popular destinations in the search engine marketing industry, attracting up to 8,000 unique visitors a day, so having your banner displayed on our site will give your business a excellent boost. More…

Newsletter Advertising includes the display of a classified ad in the ineedhits newsletter which is sent to over 175,000 subscribers who have double-opted in to receive our emails. Such a captive audience is sure to notice your ads! More…


Q: What file type and size should my banner be?

A: If you are providing us with your own banner, the banner has too meet the following specifications:
  • GIF or JPG files only.
  • Dimensions: Width - 468, Height - 60 pixels.
  • File size: Images must be less than 10k in size.


Q: Where do banners get displayed and how do the displays work?

A: If you purchase a banner from us, your banner will be displayed and rotated on various pages of the website to all of our visitors. You determine the number of times it is displayed by the number of displays you purchase. The more you purchase, the cheaper it becomes and the more exposure your website will receive.

In the My Reports section of your account management area, you can view the statistics on how many times your banner has been displayed to our visitors and how many times it has been clicked.


Q: Can you create a banner for my website?

A: Ineedhits has over 5 years experience in commercial banner design and can offer you an affordable solution for small business banner design. We will turn your requirements and ideas into highly effective, animated banners. You obtain full ownership over the banner we create for you. This means you can use it where, when and as often as you want! More…


Q: Where can I view my Newsletter Advert?

A: To view your newsletter advert please subscribe to our newsletter below. We will inform you before the ad gets published so that you can keep an eye out for the newsletter in which your ad was included.

Sign up for industry news, useful tips & special offers.


Q: Can I request specific text for my Newsletter Advert?

A: Yes. During the order process you can provide us with the text that you want to be displayed as your newsletter ad. You can also email our customer service with the text before your ad is published. Please note that your ad cannot be longer than 200 characters.


Q: What are the advantages of purchasing one of the ineedhits solutions?

A: Ineedhits packages have been designed to provide you with great savings as well as the best combination of ineedhits services that will boost your online business. There is a solution for any type of website or business.


Q: What is included in the Advanced Submission Package?

A: The Advanced Submission Package includes:
  • Premium Submit
  • G-Boost
  • Y-Boost
  • M-Boost 
Get our premium submission package at almost half price! 7 day inclusion in Google, Yahoo! and MSN, hand submission to search engines and monthly link building to help your ranking. Only $49.99 /month. 


Q: What is included in the Basic Optimization Package?

A: The Basic Optimization Package includes:
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Code Optimization
  • G-Boost
An affordable solution to increase your free search engine traffic. Get 7 day Google inclusion and monthly code optimization to improve your search ranking. Just $59.99 /month.


Q: What is included in the Professional Optimization Package?

A: The Professional Optimization Package includes:
  • Keyword Analysis 
  • Code Optimization
  • G-Boost
  • Extra Links
  • 2 x Top-Up Traffic
Get our most powerful optimization combo with monthly code optimization and quality link building for a higher organic search engine ranking. Improve your ranking for just $99.99 /month


Q: What is included in the Basic Traffic Package?

A: The Basic Traffic Package includes:
  • Easy Search Advertising $3 /day
  • 2 x Top-Up Traffic 

Get a Google sponsored listing for keywords directly related to your website. Keyword based exposure drives targeted visitors to your site in 48 hours or less! $209.99 first month, $109.99 per month thereafter. 


Q: What is included in the Advanced Traffic Package?

A: The Advanced Traffic Package includes:
  • Easy Search Advertising $3 /day
  • 2 x Top-Up Traffic 
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Code Optimization
  • G-Boost
  • Extra Links

Get a first page Google listing for guaranteed search traffic with monthly optimization and link building to increase your organic search engine ranking. $309.99 first month, $209.99 per month thereafter.


Q: What is included in the Professional Traffic Package?

A: The Professional Traffic Package includes:
  • Easy Search Advertising $5 /day
  • 2 x Top-Up Traffic 
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Code Optimization
  • G-Boost
  • Y-Boost
  • M-Boost
  • Premium Submit

Our premium search marketing combo combining submission, optimization, link building and comprahensive advertising for the ultimate traffic hit. Great value, just $349.99 first month, $249.99 per month thereafter. 


Clients Say 
Dear, Thanks for the tips. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for and your assistance is well worth the price you charge. I hope you and your organization have continued success. You seem like decent, honest folks and we can't have too many people like that in either hemisphere. Thanks again for your help,
Ken Wade

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