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 ineedhits - The Leader in Small Business Search Engine Marketing Since 1996

ineedhits started back in 1996, when founder Clay Cook realized that the websites he was building for small businesses weren't getting the traffic he expected. He understood just building the website wasn't enough and decided to harness the power of search engines to increase traffic. 

Over the past 10 years, Clay and co-owner Rachel Cook, supported by their advisory board and dedicated management team have turned ineedhits into a leading international provider of affordable search engine marketing solutions for small to medium sized businesses. The comprehensive range of services offered includes: 
 Business Awards & Accolades

 5th fastest growing company in Australia
 (2002 - BRW Fast 100) 

 11th fastest growing company in Australia
 (2003 - BRW Fast 100) 

 Entrepreneur of the Year (Ernst & Young)
 Finalist (2003 & 2002)

 Deloitte Touche Fast 50 - 6th 

 (Australia - 2002)

 Deloitte Touche Fast 500 - 17th
 (Asia Pacific - 2003)

  Search engine submission 
  Search engine optimization
  Paid inclusion programs
  Paid search advertising (Pay-per-click) management services
  Local search - innovative enhanced local listing services

ineedhits is dedicated to developing industry leading technology to compliment the essential human element of professional search engine marketing. It's this ongoing commitment to research and development and smart resourcing that allows the company to provide leading edge search engine marketing services at such affordable prices.

Over the past 10 years, ineedhits has played a significant role in the development of the search engine marketing industry with key strategic relationships with some of the internet's major search engine marketing programs including:

    Google AdWords - Qualified Professionals
  Yahoo! Search Submit Basic - Reseller
  ExactSeek Featured Listing - Reseller

    Yahoo! Search Submit Express/Pro - Reseller
  Inktomi/Overture Paid Inclusion Program - Reseller
  Ask Jeeves  - Exclusive reseller and technology provider
  LookSmart’s LookListings Paid Inclusion program - Reseller
  WhatUSeek Paid Inclusion Program - Reseller
  Kanoodle Advertising - Partner

To see how ineedhits and the search engine industry has changed over the last 10 years - visit our 10th Birthday interactive timeline.

After 10 years of providing search engine marketing services we are proud to say we have helped probably more small and medium businesses than any other search marketing company by giving them what they want – "ineedhits!"!

Promote your website for as little as 0.8 cents per banner display.

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