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The most comprehensive database of UK IT decision-makers, MarketBase offers the B2B marketer unrivalled access to accurate customer data and intelligence.

Whether you plan to source a list for a sales lead generation campaign or need data to compile analysis on market and customer intelligence to drive your future strategy, MarketBase ensures you net the best results.

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Rent the 2008 MarketBase FTSE 350
C-Suite list


MarketBase offers unparalleled precision of data.

MarketBase, B2B sales lead generation service, continually conducts UK marketing research to obtain thorough up-to-date company and contact profiles and B2B lists. Our data is regularly updated to ensure accuracy, reducing wastage and increase your data ROI.



Reach every organisation in the UK with 149+ employees with pinpoint accuracy.

The MarketBase database comprehensively covers your B2B sales lead generation needs, providing telemarketing and email leads, direct mail lists and facilitating market research, customer and competitor profiling.



MarketBase data mining capabilities ensure effective delivery of your IT B2B direct marketing data needs. Our clean, accurate B2B data saves you time and money, through the efficient and effective delivery of your message to key IT B2B sales leads every time.

MarketBase lead generation database offers annual subscriptions and bespoke list rental with a 95% accuracy guarantee.

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