Financial Sector Technology: Saving the planet? Can so-called 'green' data centres help

Cloud computing: Living in the clouds

Most people are tactile creatures; we need to see and touch things before we understand them. Perhaps that’s why some of us find the idea of cloud computing a little unsettling? But with many predicting it will be the coming technology in 2009, perhaps it’s time to get a better handle on this ethereal concept. David Adams ascends to the heavens [Read more]

Find out about the FST AWARDS 2009
Industry interview: David Hodgkinson, HSBC COO
Industry column: ABI's Paul Barrett
Industry column: BBA's Angela Knight


Post-MiFiD transparency tools from ThomsonReuters and Markit
Quick recovery with Plan B DR virtualisation system
Make a decision with Fair Isaac

Talking Heads:2009 Predictions – The year ahead Following last year’s meltdown of the financial system, Bernard Madoff’s $50 billion pyramid fraud, and various other disasters to have hit the industry, many people are justifiably asking what’s in store for us in 2009? Neil Ainger canvasses some opinions from various industry representatives, consultancies, trade bodies and vendors Solvency II: All at sea following the crunch? One thing that was already on the horizon for the insurance sector, even before last year’s banking meltdown, was the Solvency II capital adequacy rules, which have the potential to transform the way that insurers operate. Justin Quillinan investigates

New system for Russian retail bank
Dutch bank outsources with Accenture
Centralised savings view for Bank of Ireland Life

Islamic finance: insurance – Keep the faith Providing muslims with access to financial services that are consistent with their religious beliefs and with sharia law is an increasing concern for insurers in the UK, who are looking to win business in this traditionally under-insured community. Vivienne Rosch examines the growth prospects for those who keep the faith RDR: Seeing the wood for the trees
Duncan Jefferies looks at the sometimes confusing and contradictory area of ‘independent’ financial advice on offer in the pension and insurance markets, and more generally across the consumer end of financial services. Will the Financial Services Authority’s Retail Distribution Review clear a path through the forest

LSE to oust NasdaqOMX in Norway + other exchanges news
EU’s data centre Code of Conduct
More job losses announced by ING, Barclays, Merrill and others

Shifting world trade
Neal Livingston, global head of client access for the transaction division of Standard Chartered bank, is ideally placed to witness efforts to integrate the physical and financial supply chains and the shift of economic power from West to East.
Price optimisation software: Fixing the price It has never been more important for insurers to get the best price for their products, especially as aggregation websites have created savvier consumers and keener competition. William Knight investigates if price optimisation software can help maintain margins


Dataflux - Data Governance Maturity Model
Dataflux - DG for MDM and Beyond
Dataflux - Five Steps

Verisign - A Guide to Providing Proactive Protection to Consumer Online Transactions

Attenda/Sun – Managing Enterprise Agility

Entrust - Man in the Middle Attacks:  Helping to Eliminate the Threat Without Impacting the Business

Actuate - "Next Generation Wealth Management - Exceeding Expectations Through Responsive Dynamic, Client Reporting."
Actuate - "Rich Internet Applications for Online Cash Management - A Taste of Web 2.0"
Actuate - IDC on Citi Smith Barney: A case study in Pervasive Business Intelligence

Quantix - Reducing operational costs in the Finance Sector through Database and Application Managed Services

I-flex - Contactless and the dawn of a new payment era

Trilium Software - Methodology for Enterprise Data Quality and Data Governance

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