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>> Friday, 13 Feb 2009

Macworld Team: Next-Gen Apple iPhone Photos Leaked? Judge for Yourself

By Ian Paul

Photos of what appears to be the back casing of an updated iPhone have surfaced. From what can deciphered from the photo this alleged new model iPhone may come in black, might be contoured and textured to give you a better grip, and it appears to have a matte finish.

Macworld Team: iPhone developer says price point not sustainable

By Dan Moren

A couple of weeks ago, iPhone developer App Cubby decided to try a little experiment. It would lower the price of its three apps - Trip Cubby, Gas Cubby, and Health Cubby - (which previously sold for a few dollars each) to 99 cents for a limited time to see what effect it would have on sales.

Macworld Team: YouTube adds video downloads

By Scott Nichols

If you're like me, then you probably spend a lot more time than you should on YouTube. Wouldn't it be great if you could download your favorite videos and watch them offline too? Sure, there's always the popular Firefox Download Helper plug-in, but how about an official solution from YouTube?

>> Thursday, 12 Feb 2009

Macworld Team: Will the iPhone Kill the Kindle? No Way

By Robert Strohmeyer

It’s no secret that I’ve been a convert to the Amazon Kindle for more than a year now. And now that Amazon has announced its second generation of the Kindle, I’m even more impressed with the device than I was before.

>> Wednesday, 11 Feb 2009

Mark Hattersley: Spotify could kill iTunes

My, my! The music industry continues to evolve at a breakneck pace. The latest development hails from Sweden and is called Spotify. This has been in Beta for a while but is now available to any user in the UK. And it is well worth looking at.

Macworld Team: McCartney says record label still negotiating Beatles on iTunes

By Dan Moren

Our contractual obligations mean that we are duty bound to inform you of any developments in the world of iTunes and the Beatles.

>> Tuesday, 10 Feb 2009

Simon Jary: Roll up for Mac The Movie

It was apt that the premiere for a movie all about crazy Mac users was held at this year’s Macworld Expo in San Francisco. Apple has recently announced that this will be its last appearance at the huge Mac industry love-in, as well as disappointing everyone that its iconic Steve Jobs keynote is no more – while mildly stressing via a series of conflicting health bulletins that Steve Jobs is not ‘no more’ himself.

Macworld Team: Google adds over-the-air contact, calendar sync for iPhone

By Dan Moren

Syncing your contacts and calendars to the iPhone—and, more importantly, keeping them in sync—is easy enough if you’re using MobileMe or have a Microsoft Exchange account, which keep your contacts and calendars up to date through the magic of wireless syncing.

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Psystar files amended complaint against Apple

Mac clone-maker Psystar has filed an amended complaint against Apple, arguing that Apple is misusing copyright by tying its OS X operating system to Mac computers.


Maya 2009 review

Maya 2009 review

As a tool for 3D modelling, Maya has an impressive heritage. In its 2009 version, Maya has had significant improvements to performance and workflow; we take a look at just how well it performs.

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