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phpwcms is one of the longer available Open Source web content management systems having thousands of different customers. phpwcms can be setup very easy and is tested on many platforms.

Hard to describe all the features you have because it's so much more than the known "structured page editors".

phpwcms comes with many different content types (some: HTML/WYSIWYG, text, image, image list, flash media player, guestbook, contact form, teaser, poll, FAQ...) which can be combined in each article/page. phpwcms can handle unlimited nested levels, has built-in auto-pagination for article lists. Content modules of an article can also be paginated.

Some newer modules like ad banner management, glossary, (easy) shop/shopping cart are available.

phpwcms in total is a full framework which can be easily extended by custom code without the need to hack the core system.

Some more features are ready to use frontend render scripts to create tracking code (Google Analytic, StatsCounter), bookmark links (Digg, Furl...), implement YouTube/Sevenload video, captcha/spam-protection for forms and more.

phpwcms has a powerful template system with lots of pre-defined functions like ul/li based navigation, breadcrumb, alias content, random images...

phpwcms render valid XHTML, render Google sitemap, supports Feeds import and export...

There is a lot more to say - but better try yourself!