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New from BOSS: Structured Data and More

Posted February 11, 2009

Yahoo! Search BOSS announces three new features and an important update on pricing. Developers can now use the BOSS API to easily access structured data derived from SearchMonkey. The updated BOSS API also includes expanded search result abstracts, Site Explorer inlinks, and relevant page data.

The Terms of Service for the BOSS API have changed to allow developers to use third-party monetization platforms. We've also announced a pricing plan that will become effective later this year.

Make the most out of search: check out the new BOSS.

Blueprint 1.1 and Blueprint for Mobile Sites

Posted February 5, 2009

Build rich and powerful mobile applications, sites and widgets using simple XML with Blueprint 1.1. Use the same technology Yahoo! uses for it's own mobile services such as location, maps, video and more to build engaging experiences for 1000s of mobile phones including Nokia, SonyEricsson, Blackberry and iPhone.

There's never been an easier way to connect your services with your users whenever and wherever they need - so get started today!

Learn more about Blueprint 1.1 and Blueprint for Mobile Sites

Take a tour with our Y!OS tutorials

Posted January 12, 2009

Interested in creating apps on Yahoo!'s open platforms? We just released a series of step-by-step tutorials and code examples to complement our Y!OS documentation:

To simplify the process of making API calls, install the PHP SDK. Learn about making RESTful calls to our Social APIs. Look over the steps for creating Open and OAuth applications. Focusing on the Yahoo! Application Platform (YAP), set the Small View in an open application. Explore the Yahoo! Query Language (YQL) with PHP and the YQL console. Work directly with Y!OS and YAP code examples.

Bookmark the new Y!OS Docs page for a full list of offerings.

Douglas Crockford on "Ajax Performance"

Posted January 7, 2009

Douglas Crockford returns to YUI Theater with a new installment of his multi-part lecture on JavaScript. This session, "Ajax Performance," covers the use of Ajax techniques to improve web-application performance. Douglas argues that the use of Ajax to reduce the number of JavaScript and DOM objects in a given page is the single most important perfomance optimization that most web applications can make.

Watch the full video on Yahoo! Video, check out the downloadable version, or read a transcript of the talk.

For the full set of Crockford lectures on JavaScript, visit YUI Theater.

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YDN Blog Highlights

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YDN goes to school in Seattle

Yahoo! evangelists and other developer network crew are heading up to University of Washington in Seattle to serve up a little YDN juice with the usual Hack U menu. We've got two Yahoo! Open Technology Talks scheduled and the developer... more...


It must be Jelly

A Jelly is a free, sometimes ad hoc co-working environment, where self-employed or independently employed laptop workers share a common space that fosters cross-pollination of ideas and practices, and interesting conversation. more...


New BOSS Features Announced Today

BOSS announces new features including support for SearchMonkey Structured Data, monetization, and pricing. Developers can now access structured data marked up with microformats or RDF, expanded abstracts, and site explorer data. more...

Upcoming Events

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Open Hack 2009 - a Yahoo! Hack Day in India

February 14, 2009


February 16, 2009

Yahoo! Open Tech Night Part 1

February 19, 2009

The Multipack Presents Emerging Standards

February 21, 2009




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