Web Hosting
UK Web Hosting
Web Hosting with LIVE SUPPORT Web Hosting with LIVE SUPPORT
Dell PowerEdge Servers
Dual CPU Quad Core Intel
Xeon E5420, 2.5 GHZ
2x2x6 MB CPU cache
2x750 GB SATA Hard Disk
Hardware RAID 1
100 Mbps Switch port
2N + 1 UPS System
NAS Backup Storage
Only 6 Accounts per server
Apache 2.2.9
PHP 5.2.6
MySQL 5.0.51
Mailserver - Sendmail, Exim
Python, Glibc
Perl 5.8.8
SSL 0.9.7e
ionCube PHP Loader v3.1.33
Zend Optimizer v3.3.3
IIS 6.0
ASP.NET 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5
PHP 5.2.6
MS SQL 2005 Express
MySQL 5.0.51, MS Access
Mailserver - MailEnable
SSI, CGI-BIN, Python, Glibc
Perl 5.8.8
SSL 0.9.7e
GD Library 2.0.33
Image Magick 7.15.5
Zend Optimizer v3.3.3
FrontPage Extensions
Windows Media Compatible
DSN Connection String
ODBC Support
DotNetNuke 5.0
Fully Managed Servers
Best UK Data Center
Root SSH access/
Administrator RDP Access
Dedicated Disk Space and Monthly Bandwidth
2 GB Dedicated RAM
Host unlimited domains
Backup Restore Utility
cPanel & Plesk control panel
24x7 Technical Support
99.97% Uptime Guarantee
Live Chat


eUKhost's Semi-Dedicated Servers are a perfect fill-in between Virtual Private Servers and Dedicated Servers. We only setup 6 Semi-Dedicated accounts per physical server and this ensures maximum performance for your websites or applications. Since each Semi-Dedicated Server has only a percentage of the total server resources, you can enjoy the reliability and performance of a High End Dedicated Server, but for a fraction of the cost. All of our Semi-Dedicated Servers are hosted on Dual Quad Core Intel Xeon E5420 processor servers. These Dell Poweredge 1950 servers are much more powerful than the old style Single and Dual Core Xeons and the performance increase is clearly noticeable. Each physical server has 12 GB of RAM and this ensures that every semi-dedicated server will always receive the guaranteed the full 2 GB of RAM they have been sold.

eUKhost Semi-Dedicated Hosting Advantages:

Performance - Powerful CPU and 2 Gigs of Guaranteed RAM gives you faster load times, more freedom over the types of programs you can run on your semi-dedicated server and quicker database access. Affordability from sharing a powerful web server, without the usual constraints of shared web hosting.

Dedicated System Resources - With our Semi Dedicated Servers, you have greater CPU and RAM at your disposal, dedicated to your website(s) only.

Root Access & Total Control - You have total control over your semi dedicated server and configuration. Control panels like cPanel/Plesk let you do almost all of your user/site management tasks using a simple web interface.
Other server tasks can be managed by your administrative root account, including installation of system softwares and Apache/PHP configuration changes.

Savings on Control Panel costs - You save your costs on the server control panel. While you may have to pay £20.00/Month as cPanel License fees on a dedicated server, with a Semi Dedicated server you pay as little as £5.00/Month for a cPanel license. There are no limitations with the cheaper license, all functions and features are available on your semi-dedicated server as they are available with the Dedicated Server cPanel control panel.

System Administration tasks for your semi dedicated server will be taken care of by highly qualified and experience technicians. The server you are hosted on is constantly monitored and we can respond to problems within a minute of the problem happening. With no more than 6 Semi-Dedicated Servers on each physical server, there is no chance of your account suffering a failure due to the actions of another client. All you have to do, with our help, is take care of the websites you create on your semi dedicated server.


Semi Dedicated Hosting Plans Linux Semi-Dedicated Windows Semi-Dedicated
Disk Space 60 GB 60 GB
Bandwidth 800 GB 800 GB
Dual Quad Core Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz
2x6 MB Cache / 12 GB RAM
Dual Quad Core Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz
2x6 MB Cache / 12 GB RAM
Linux CentOS 5.0 Windows 2003 Enterprise
Accounts/Server Only 6 Accounts Hosted Per Server Only 6 Accounts Hosted Per Server
Price £54.00 / Month £59.00 / Month
Guaranteed RAM 2 GB 2 GB
SSH / RDP Access Root SSH Access Administrator RDP Access
Number of Usable IPs 2 2
Control Panel Options Charges Charges
99.97% Uptime Guarantee Semi Dedicated Hosting Semi Dedicated Hosting
Domains Allowed - Unlimited Semi Dedicated Hosting
Subdomains Addon domains are independent domains who get their separate homepage and directory but they are actually parked on top of a subdomain which is created on the main domain of the account. Subdomain always remains dependent on the main domain. - Unlimited
FTP Accounts - Unlimited
MySQL Databases MySQL is a powerful database engine designed to offer fast access to stored / dynamic data. You can create unlimited number of databases as long as enough Disk Space is available in your account. - Unlimited
MSSQL Databases MS SQL is a powerful database engine designed by Microsoft to provide fast access to stored data. You can create unlimited number of Databases in MS SQL with your windows hosting account on our servers. - Unlimited
MS ACCESS MS ACCESS Database is a feature rich database server designed by Microsoft for fast communication between webpages and database. Databases - Unlimited
ODBC ODBC Drivers offer multiple database support and you can use ODBC drivers to setup connection string between any database type. Support
DSN Connection String
POP3 / SMTP Accounts You can create unlimited number of email accounts from your control panel and access all those email accounts using POP3 / SMTP service. POP3 / SMTP service allows you to configure your mailbox in outlook and enjoy all features of outlook with POP3 / SMTP service. for SMTP: mail.yourdomain.com, for POP3: mail.yourdomain.com - Unlimited
Mailing lists Have a group of people you regularly mail? Add them to a mailing list so you can email them faster and easier. - Unlimited
Mail Forward All incoming mails to a particular email address will be forwarded to any email address (or addresses) you wish. - Unlimited
IMAP We support Internet Message Access Protocol. "IMAP permits a "client" email program to access remote message stores as if they were local. - Unlimited
CGI Each account is equipped with its own CGI directory, allowing you to install and develop your own CGI scripts. We support cgi scripts written in Perl and precompiled C.
Also included is a popular collection of pre-installed cgi scripts to add to your website. Can be installed from your control panel with one click.
Scripts included:

Simple CGI Wrapper
This is a cgi wrapper that will allow you to run cgi scripts with your userid.
Random HTML
This random html generator picks a html string out of a list and inserts it in an SSI enabled web page. This is useful for "Quote of the Moment", and other similar things
Simple & Advanced Guestbook
Guestbooks for your visitors to view and sign
You can count the number of visitors to your site.
This utility will create a real time java clock for your site.
You can create a countdown box to countdown to a specified date
CGI Email
CGI email can make nicely formatted forms output in email that has been submitted over the web.
Form Mail Clone
Form Mail-clone is a clone of Matt Wright's FormMail
Entropy Search
Create a search box on your site
Entropy Banner
This feature allows you to create rotating banner ads.
PHP 5.x, Perl 5.8.7
Ruby on Rails
Cron Jobs / Schedule Task
FrontPage Extensions
GD Library / ImageMagick
PW Protected Directrories
PhpMyAdmin PhpMyAdmin access is available through the Control Panel. You can manage your databases as well as the tables from PhpMyAdmin.
Awstats / Webalizer
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
24 X 7 Support and Monitoring


Getting More Traffic to Your Website? Do you need more resources for your website than Semi Dedicated Hosting?, then you should consider upgrading to dedicated server hosting.

Our fully managed dedicated servers provide the most powerful features and performance but with prices that do not cost the earth!

Web Hosting with LIVE SUPPORT