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A Welcome from The Dean

Welcome to the Escola de Engenharia!

Welcome to a world where science and technology are worked out in order to serve the society and to improve the quality of living. In fact, this is a School open to its social and economical environment, committed to convert the knowledge developed and spread by its departments in a powerful tool to support a sustainable development.

So, I invite all the visitors of this webpage to surf in its sections and to get in contact with the particular aspects our departments and facilities. It will be easy to find an answer to a very large number of questions in the fields of engineering.

The Escola de Engenharia is the adequate partner in a wide range of technical areas, once:

  • It is anchored in the physical and organizational framework of the Universidade do Minho, and involves 9 departments arranged in a very flexible and operational structure that promotes multidisciplinary work.
  • It has a highly specialized faculty with more than 210 Phd academics, supported by a competent and motivated technical and administrative staff of around 90 people.
  • It provides first cycle teaching activities throughout a wide range of engineering and technical degrees of the Universidade do Minho, involving more that 4500 students.
  • It offers an extensive portfolio of post-graduate degrees, at masters and PhD levels, with more than 20 different courses.
  • It develops first class research based in several centres and FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) units, 4 of them ranked as excellent.
  • It has an important experience in innovation and technological development work in partnership with Portuguese and foreign companies performed, in the majority of cases, through the Innovation Centres associated to Universidade do Minho.

We are proud of this curriculum and we are addressing the future developing important activities in different emerging areas, namely: micro and nanotechnologies, renewable energies, sustainable development and ecodesign, biomaterials and TICEs (technologies of information, computers and electronics).

Furthermore, our dynamic and open approach appoints this School as the ideal partner for new projects and new challenges in the novel and fantastic world of the knowledge society.

With friendly wishes,

António M. Cunha

  © 2005, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho