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 fm3's fresh features: Simplified Project Management
 by jeff covey, in freshmeat - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 02:00 UTC

We'd like to highlight some of the aspects of the latest incarnation of in a few short articles. We hope to point out features you may have missed and share some of the reasoning behind our design decisions with our long-time users. We hope you enjoy the new site, and look forward to your thoughtfully-considered and kindly-worded comments and suggestions. In this installment: Ways managing project listings has been made easier for authors.

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 lxdvdrip 1.74
 by stefan.becker - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 01:13 UTC

About: lxdvdrip is a command line tool to make a copy from a video DVD. It automates the process of ripping, authoring, previewing, and burning the DVD. It uses tools like mplayer, transcode, vamps, dvdauthor, and growisofs. You can backup just the main feature without the menu or the whole DVD.

Changes: Support for vlc > 0.90. Requant 64-bit bugfixes. Menucopy Engine has been updated to dvd95 1.50p0.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Video Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 SILVERCODERS DocStorage 1.1.0-rc2
 by silvercoders - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 01:09 UTC

About: SILVERCODERS DocStorage is a utility to improve document management. You can have one database for all invoices, guarantees, protocols, and other documents. DocStorage can extract plain text from documents in doc, XLS, PPT, PDF, RTF, ODT, ODS, ODP, docx, XLSX, PPTX, and many other formats. It can use an OCR engine to extract plain text even from scanned documents. It can perform global fulltext search in all documents regardless of format. It supports document versioning, document duplicate detection, document notes, and document signing. It provides full integration with software suites like Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management :: Document Repositories
Initial freshmeat announcement Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 pythonOCC md-0.1
 by Thomas Paviot - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 01:09 UTC

About: pythonOCC aims to provide a full Python wrapper for the OpenCascade 3D modeling/visualization library classes. The first step is to focus on modeling and import/export classes (IGES, STEP, VRML) in order to provide a complete, powerful, and easy-to-use 3D modeler using Python scripts.

Changes: The pythonOCC build is now modular. New OpenCascade smart pointers management. Many additional modules. Improvements in the visualization part. Interactive console fixes and enhancements. Availability for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling
Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Major feature enhancements The CeCILL License Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Paludis 0.34.3
 by Ciaran McCreesh - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 00:49 UTC

About: Paludis is a package manager for Gentoo (and derived distributions) and Exherbo. It consists of a core library and a number of console-based clients. Package formats supported include Gentoo ebuilds and kdebuilds (as defined by the Package Manager Specification), the Exherbo exheres-0 format, and various miscellaneous utility pseudo-formats for managing accounts, unwritten and unavailable packages, and packages for which no package exists.

Changes: Unfortunately, std::ifstream and std::ofstream are allowed to fail in non-obvious ways when given a duff file. In particular, gcc won't produce an error when a std::ifstream is created for a directory until the first read occurs. This release includes its own stream buffer classes that do error checking and throw useful exceptions on errors.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Software Distribution
System :: Software Distribution Tools
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 JumpBox for PMwiki 1.1.4
 by JumpBox - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 00:48 UTC

About: PMwiki is a wiki-based system for collaborative creation and maintenance of Web sites. PmWiki pages look and act like normal Web pages, except they have an "Edit" link that makes it easy to modify existing pages and add new pages into the Web site, using basic editing rules. You do not need to know or use any HTML or CSS. Page editing can be left open to the public or restricted to small groups of authors. The JumpBox for PMwiki makes it possible for anyone to be up and running with PMwiki in under a minute on any operating system that supports virtualization.

Changes: The included version of PmWiki has been upgraded to 2.2.0. Restoring from 1.0 and newer JumpBox backups should work. The JumpBox for PmWiki no longer requires registration.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management :: Document Repositories
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
N/A Freeware Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Bricolage 1.10.6 (Stable)
 by Alexandr Ciornii - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 00:47 UTC

About: Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a fully-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason, HTML::Template, PHP 5, and Template Toolkit support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its repository. It has been hailed by eWEEK as "quite possibly the most capable enterprise-class open-source application available."

Changes: Search by Keyword has been added to "Find Media". Reverting an image media document works again. There are other improvements and bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management Minor feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Coreboot 3932
 by imipak - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 00:40 UTC

About: Coreboot (formerly known as LinuxBIOS) is a project that aims to replace the normal BIOS with a little bit of hardware initialization and a payload. Payloads can include a compressed Linux kernel, FILO, GRUB2, OpenBIOS, Open Firmware, SmartFirmware, GNUFI (UEFI), Etherboot, ADLO (for booting Windows and OpenBSD), Plan 9, or memtest86.

Changes: This release adds initial heterogeneous dual-channel support. It adds support for Winbond W83627UHG Super I/O, i631x LPC, and AMD-768, SST49LF020. It adds erase/write to AT25DF* and AT25DF* chips. It improves support for Gigabit GA-MA78G-DS3H, K8 rev F DDR2, Am29F080B, Am29LV081B, SST39VF080, Winbond SuperIO SPI, Intel Desktop Board D201GLY, ST M29F002T/NT/B, and MSI MS-7046. There are bugfixes, refactoring of code, code cleanup, and documentation fixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Boot Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 ring3k 0.0.19
 by Mike McCormack - Tue, Feb 10th 2009 00:39 UTC

About: ring3k is a user mode kernel capable of running Windows 2000 and XP compatible native applications on a Linux platform. It is a light-weight virtualization of the NT kernel for the Linux x86 platform achieved by reimplementing kernel mode code as a ring 3 process in C++.

Changes: This release moves closer to supporting Windows message loops, with window painting being the biggest obstacle remaining. Mouse messages (WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_MOUSEMOVE, etc.) are now set to a window's message loop, and GDI region management code has been imported from Wine.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Emulators
System :: Operating System Kernels
Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 CLEX 4.1
 by Vlado Potisk - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:34 UTC

About: CLEX is a file manager with a full-screen user interface written in C with the curses library. It displays directory contents (including file status details) and provides features like command history, filename insertion, or name completion in order to help the user to construct commands to be executed by the shell (there are no built-in commands). CLEX is easily configurable and all its features are explained in the on-line help.

Changes: An uninitialized memory read was corrected. A compilation problem on Mac OS was fixed. A small utility for troubleshooting keyboard-related problems was added.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Shells
System :: Systems Administration
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 CppCMS 0.0.3
 by Artyom Beilis - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:33 UTC

About: CppCMS is a C++ Web development framework (not CMS). It differs from most of other Web development frameworks like Python Django, Java Servlets, or C++ Wt because it is designed and tuned to handle extremely high loads, and it is aimed at development of Web sites rather then "GUI-like" Web applications.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
Initial freshmeat announcement GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 xtweet360 0.2
 by Ric_ - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:23 UTC

About: xtweet360 is a small Perl script to publish your Xbox status to Twitter automatically. The main reason for this is to avoid signing up to yet another Web service and giving them your password for Twitter. xtweet360 publishes your full playing status, including the level you're on if you choose, and has a link to your gamer profile. It's a Twitter authorized app, so it will say posted by xtweet360.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Ecasound 2.6.0
 by Kai Vehmanen - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:14 UTC

About: Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording, and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. It supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs, and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console-mode user interface is included in the package.

Changes: New interactive commands have been added to query and manage JACK port connections. More options are also now available for setting up ecasound's own JACK ports. Severe bugs in 'playat' and 'select' objects have been fixed. A refactored ECI C implementation fixes bugs and provides improved performance for ECI apps. Many minor bugs have been fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Compute Portal Project 0.10.0
 by Shawn Houston - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:13 UTC

About: A portal project to produce a Web-based front end to a compute resource, such as a cluster, using PHP, MySQL, and Apache. The intent is to allow non-programmers to use complex programs through an intuitive interface.

Changes: In the year since the last release there have been many bugfixes, a change to the back-end database, support for binary input files, subdirectories in job output, and much more. The infrastructure is undergoing extensive changes in order to support more complex programs such as phred and phrap.

Focus License URLs
N/A GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Jaikoz 2.8.2
 by paul taylor - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:11 UTC

About: Jaikoz is a powerful tag editor that allows you to organize, edit, and correct thousands of audio tags with ease. Jaikoz has powerful automation features. Jaikoz uses MusicBrainz and MusicIP, online databases of over 5 million songs, which can match your songs automtically based on the actual music as well as the metadata. Jaikoz uses a convenient spreadsheet view to allow you to edit information very quickly and provides many autoformatting tasks which do most of the work for you.

Changes: You can now load all the files within in a Winamp (.m3u) playlist using Open Playlist and Add Playlist, with more playlist formats to be added in future releases. There is an Open Recent list for recently opened playlists, files, and folders. Support has been added for dragging and dropping and copy/pasting images from other applications such as iTunes, Finder, and Windows Explorer.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Editors Minor feature enhancements Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Gemeinschaft 2.1 2.1.0
 by Philipp Kempgen - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:09 UTC

About: Gemeinschaft is a PBX based on Asterisk, MySQL, Apache, and PHP, and designed for high availability and clustering. It provides automatic provisioning for mass deployment, and can handle over 10,000 users. Administration is done via shell scripts or a Web GUI. Hot-desking and mobility are supported. German voice prompts are included. There is a standards-compliant Web GUI with internationalization (and German and English translations). Outbound and inbound routing with full PCRE support is included.

Changes: This release adds provisioning for Siemens OpenStage phones and has minor bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications :: Conferencing
Communications :: Fax
Communications :: Internet Phone
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 LaserCalc 0.2alpha
 by Udo Eisenbarth - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:07 UTC

About: LaserCalc is a tool to calculate optical paths and resonators based on Gaussian beam matrix optics. Optical elements such as lenses or distances can be set up to an optical path. An input beam parameter (z & w value) as well as the wavelength can be set. The programm calculates the propagation of the beam along the path. For an optical resonator, the TEM00 Eigenmode of a given wavelength is automatically calculated. Furthermore, a stability parameter is derived.

Changes: This version comes with a new GUI concept that allows a more flexible way of working. Further path and cavity parameters are calculated. The cavity analysis module can now calculate linear and ring resonators. A documentation update has been started (but is not yet finished).

 Categories Focus License URLs
Scientific/Engineering :: Physics Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 LibRaw 0.7.0-BETA1 (0.7.x)
 by Alex Tutubalin - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:06 UTC

About: LibRaw is a library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, and others). LibRaw is based on the source codes of the dcraw utility, though some of the drawbacks of dcraw have been eliminated. The users of the library are provided with an API to be used when writing their software programs.

Changes: There is a new input framework: it is possible to redefine input methods to read RAW data from any byte stream with arbitrary seek. There is a new processing mode: it is possible to turn off all raw pre-processing stages, e.g. black level (bias) subtraction, RAW tone curve, zero pixel cleaning, and so on.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
Software Development :: Libraries
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 avidemux 2.4.4
 by mean99 - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:04 UTC

About: Avidemux is a graphical tool to edit videos. It can open AVI, openDML, MPEG, Nuppelvideo, and BMPs. Most common codecs are supported (M-JPEG, MPEG, DivX, Xvid, huffyuv, WMA, etc.) thanks to libavcodec and libmpeg2. Video can be edited, cut, appended, filtered (resize/crop/denoise), and re-encoded to either AVI (MPEG4/MJPEG) or MPEG 1/2. The Spidermonkey Javascript engine is used to give powerful scripting capabilities.

Changes: Improved Win32 Unicode handling. Improved h264 support in TS/TS2/MP4 files. Improved image handling (BMP, JPEG, etc.). The Qt4 GUI has been greatly improved. Translations have been updated.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Video :: Non-Linear Editor Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 WorldForge::wfmath 0.3.9
 by Alistair Riddoch - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 21:04 UTC

About: The primary focus of WFMath is geometric objects. Thus, it includes several shapes (boxes, balls, lines), in addition to the basic math objects that are used to build these shapes (points, vectors, and matrices).

Changes: The headers have been cleaned up to include fewer system headers and dependencies, and keep the namespace a bit cleaner.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling
Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics
Code cleanup GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Solido Smtp Proxy 5.0 build 57.d6
 by Kasper J. Jeppesen - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 18:55 UTC

About: Solido Smtp Proxy is an in-memory SMTP proxy which offers high performance load balancing and securing of backend mail servers.

Changes: This release fixes a bug related to the block-threshold setting for spam filtering.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications :: Email
Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents
Minor bugfixes Other/Proprietary License Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 EiffelStudio (Development)
 by Emmanuel Stapf - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 18:53 UTC

About: EiffelStudio is an IDE for the Eiffel language (ECMA-367, ISO/IEC 25436, and ACM Software System Award 2006). It includes: Eiffel compiler, Eiffel editor, Eiffel code browsing tool, Eiffel testing tool, graphical design tool, refactoring tool, debugger, profiler, and Eiffel analysis tools (Metrics, Dependencies, etc.). Eiffel generates C or CLI for .NET or Mono. Eiffel applies O-O principles and Design by Contract for high-quality software. Many Eiffel libraries are included: ADT, network, GUI, database, parsing (including an Eiffel parser), XML, Web, COM, and more.

Changes: Eiffel2Java and EiffelWeb are void-safe. The compiler has been improved for attached attribute initialization in creation procedures (it now detects not only by inspecting the top-level instructions, but also the nested complex instructions with several possible execution paths, like conditional instruction, multi-branch, etc.). An issue with generated tests that were too long because minimization failed is fixed. Breaking changes have been introduced in the class CELL so that it can be used in both void-safe and non-void-safe mode; users have to remove the use of 'default_create' as creation procedure in their code.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 TEA for Linux 23.0.0
 by roxton - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 18:34 UTC

About: TEA is a powerful and easy-to-use Qt4-based editor with many useful features for HTML, Docbook, and LaTeX editing. It features a small footprint, a tabbed layout engine, support for multiple encodings, code snippets, templates, customizable hotkeys, an "open at cursor" function for HTML files and images, miscellaneous HTML tools, preview in external browser, string manipulation functions, Morse-code tools, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, and more.

Changes: ODT, DOCX, RTF, SLA, KWD, ABW, SXW, and gzipped file read-only support. BASIC and LaTeX syntax highlighting. Batch image conversion and scaling (look into Fman - Image conversion). ZIP archive creation (the Fm - ZIP submenu). Many inner changes and fixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Text Editors
Text Processing
Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Bitflu 0.80
 by broccoli - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 18:33 UTC

About: Bitflu is a BitTorrent client designed to run non-stop as a daemon. It does not provide a graphical interface, but offers a telnet interface and can handle multiple torrent downloads.

Changes: This is the first release with IPv6 support. Support for initial seeding has also improved by implementing two new commands: seedprio and seedhide.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications :: File Sharing Major feature enhancements Artistic License Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 xcave 2.4.0
 by jean-philippe hergott - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 18:33 UTC

About: xcave is an application that allows you to track and manage the contents of a wine cellar.

Changes: This release adds two windows: one to consult the degustation sheet and one for cellar statistics. A compilation warning has been fixed: a buffer overflow with gcc 4.3.2 and with GTK 2.14 (setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated).

 Categories Focus License URLs
Other/Nonlisted Topic
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 WireframeSketcher 1.1.2
 by Peter Severin - Mon, Feb 9th 2009 18:32 UTC

About: WireframeSketcher is an Eclipse plug-in for creating wireframes, screen mockups, and UI prototypes.

Changes: This version adds support for configuring the editor grid, rulers, guides, and smart guides.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Tools
Multimedia :: Graphics
Software Development :: User Interfaces
Minor feature enhancements Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

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- fm3's fresh features: Simplified Project Management (Feb 10th)
- Third time is the charm (Jan 21st)

- Debian: New boinc packages fix validation bypass (Feb 9th)
- Red Hat: Updated gstreamer-plugins-good packages fix several security issues (Feb 9th)
- Red Hat: Updated gstreamer-plugins packages fix one security issue (Feb 9th)

1. MPlayer 100.00%
2. Linux 87.40%
3. cdrtools 80.61%
4. Apache 75.26%
5. gcc 74.65%
6. VLC media player 69.11%
7. PHP 65.33%
8. TightVNC 59.77%
9. Clam AntiVirus 58.86%
10. PostgreSQL 56.21%


- lxdvdrip 1.74
- SILVERCODERS DocStorage 1.1.0-rc2
- pythonOCC md-0.1
- Paludis 0.34.3
- JumpBox for PMwiki 1.1.4
- Bricolage 1.10.6 (Stable)
- Coreboot 3932
- ring3k 0.0.19

- CLEX 4.1
- CppCMS 0.0.3
- xtweet360 0.2
- Ecasound 2.6.0
- Compute Portal Project 0.10.0
- Jaikoz 2.8.2
- Gemeinschaft 2.1 2.1.0
- LaserCalc 0.2alpha
- LibRaw 0.7.0-BETA1 (0.7.x)
- avidemux 2.4.4
- WorldForge::wfmath 0.3.9
- Solido Smtp Proxy 5.0 build 57.d6
- EiffelStudio (Development)
- TEA for Linux 23.0.0
- Bitflu 0.80
- xcave 2.4.0
- WireframeSketcher 1.1.2 «
- Gammu 1.22.94 (Testing)
- phpSimpleDoc 1.0 alpha3
- ATA over Ethernet driver 70 (For Linux 2.6)
- Gwyddion 2.13 (Stable)
- rsyslog 3.20.4 (v3 Stable)
- Tiny Core Linux 1.1
- QMotion 1.9
- Stella 2.7.3
- Back In Time 0.9.6
- itools 0.50.3
- Simple Groupware 0.502
- Openbakery Translation 0.1
- Mathomatic 14.3.2
- IDAutomation UPC/EAN Font Advantage 7.08
- check_hpasm 3.1.1
- Astaro Command Center 1.903 (Beta)
- Teamwork 4.0 build 8077
- threecheck 1.0
- ZicBee 0.7-rc1
- Love Heart 3D Screensaver 1.1.0
- Sun Java Platform, Standard Edition 6u12 (Java 6)
- GPM 1.20.6
- MinGW cross compiling environment 2.3
- OIOSAML.Java 4249
- gumnut 0.2.6
- WebCollab 2.40
- Java Serialization to XML
- Java SOS 6.20
- Asymptote 1.62
- Piggydb 3.5
- GNU libmicrohttpd 0.4.0
- Avant Window Navigator 0.3.2
- Kite 1.0.1
- Embedthis Appweb 3.0A.0 (Development)
- PMD 4.2.5
- AgileWiki 12.4.0 (Element Model)
- xWidglets 1.9.2
- Open MPI 1.3
- MoinMoin 1.8.2
- Marksman 0.2
- Yaass Project 0.8.6-alpha
- Ruby Nmap::Parser Library 0.3.2
- ob-mda 0.5
- FBReaderJ 0.2.3
- FrontAccounting 2.1.0 beta
- DBsight 2.0.9
- RightWebPage 0.11.4
- GoldenDict 0.5
- LibSMF 1.2

- Kheops beta 1 (Client)
- Verbiste 0.1.24
- dvtm 0.5.1
- Zina 2.0beta3
- hdparm 9.10
- memtest86 3.5
- WendzelNNTPd 1.4.1
- libbls 0.1.1
- Geeklog 1.5.2
- JSMSTrade 0.3
- Alleyoop 0.9.4
- LibIrcClient-Qt 0.3.0
- Ctalk 0.0.94a rc1
- CrissCross 0.7.3
- ANDREW 1.3.1
- galculator 1.3.4
- deplate 0.8.5
- crpcut 0.2.0
- Recovery Is Possible! 7.5 (Stable)
- tmux 0.7
- eric4 4.3.0
- QuickJas 0.10
- Aqualung 0.9beta10
- Schmant 0.8
- dynamic window manager 5.4
- xCover 0.2.2
- MailScanner 4.74
- SFTP Applet 2.3
- Kirodict 1.0
- GWTruts 0.5-Final
- CPPSERV 0.2.3
- bridge 0.3b
- Genius 1.0.4
- LibRaw 0.6.12
- ZRTP Protocol Library 1.4.3
- GNU SIP Witch 0.3.13
- GNU nano 2.1.8 (Unstable)
- Epitome 1.1
- nut 14.3
- NetCalendar 1.0
- get_iplayer 1.33
- PGP Individual UID Signer 2.0.0
- goofs 0.7.1
- Liferea 1.5.8 (Unstable)
- Vacuum Magic 0.9

- localcast 0.9
- MegaWare Data Encrypter 2.1
- pam_mount module 1.18
- streamtuner2 1.9.6
- phlyMail Hosting Edition 3.6.38
- phlyMail MessageCenter 3.6.38
- phlyMail Lite 3.6.38
- Ikonikos Image Manager 1.5.5
- GXemul
- svenson 1.2.7
- ClamFS 1.0.0
- Yokadi 0.9.0
- Monotone::AutomateStdio 0.02
- JsTetris 1.17
- At4J 1.0
- libt2n 0.5
- web2ldap 1.0.8
- HTTPTunnel 1.3.1
- cclive 0.2.0
- youtube-dl 2009.02.07
- Vendetta Online 1.8.57
- Ubuntu Alpha 4 (Development)
- segatex 7.10
- cl-paypal 0.1
- liblinebreak 1.1
- DotNetWikiBot Framework 2.53
- libsndfile 1.0.18 (1.x)
- Developer's Image Library 1.7.7
- Webware for Python 1.0.1
- javascriptRRD 0.1
- GeoQO 1.0
- JFire 0.9.6 beta
- get_iplayer 1.32
- OpenCFLite 476.17.0
- Wireshark 1.0.6
- CollabNet Desktop - Eclipse Edition 1.7
- Groogle 0.8.1

- CPAN shell 1.93_51
- Sticker 3.1.0
- awesome 3.2-rc1 (3.x)
- gurlchecker 0.10.3 (Stable)
- Moccatroller 1.8r3
- PXE manager 0.2
- Gnome PulseAudio Applet 0.2
- Laconica 0.7.1
- gdigi 0.1.1
- J!Research 1.1 Beta 2 (Development)
- Silktree 0.2.1
- 3.0.1 (Stable)
- clive-utils 2.1.2
- clive 2.1.5 (Stable)
- webERP 3.10
- Cuneiform for Linux 0.6
- rawdog 2.12
- papyrus Canvas Library 0.9.0
- LuSql 0.901
- CrunchyFrog 0.3.3
- Conquest: Divide and Conquer 0.12.1
- qwebcam 0.0.3
- OCaml Batteries Included Alpha 3
- JSend NSCA 1.1.1.
- Monotone Browser 0.60
- Fire j2me 2.1
- Data Crow 3.4.8 patch 2
- fio 1.24
- Anyterm 1.1.29 (Development)
- Source Navigator NG NG4
- Gtk Image Viewer 0.9.3
- getsnmp 0.10
- giv 0.9.13
- Tennix! 0.7.0
- Splix 2.0.0
- Astaro Security Linux 7.390 (Beta)
- Patch Check Advanced 20090206-01 (Development)
- Stellarium 0.10.1 (Stable)
- 0MQ 0.5
- get_iplayer 1.31
- JSXGraph 0.69
- cego 2.2.1
- DokuWiki rc2009-02-06 (Release Candidates)


- News: Group releases list to kill most-dangerous bugs
- News: Group attacks flaw in browser crypto security
- News: Commission calls for cybersecurity czar
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