Userpanel CP

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.

Userpanel CP

Postby phalancs on Sat Jan 21, 2006 03:23


As soon as the 1.2.9 version of phpwcms is put I will again push the userpanel :)


Userpanel v2.0

Some major enhancements have been included. Everything is controllable via admin. Easy interface provided.
New Function: Password recovery!

I renamed it because it is a little funny to call it 'loginlogoutpasswordreset panel'. 'Userpanel' is rather general.

13.3.06: V2.0 published
17.3.06: Dutch language file included

Userpanel - Content Part.

Installation time: ~ 5 min.
Level: easy
Benefit: great :)
Languages: german & english & dutch

1. When logged out you see the standard box:
  • username
  • password
  • (if you like) backend language
  • registration link
  • password recovery link

2. When logged in as a frontend user you have:
  • logout button,
  • your actual name shown,
  • the number of new messages waiting
  • link to create a new message

3. When logged in as an admin, you have
  • the same as a frontend user
  • number of users currently online (req. VTS)
  • plus VTS link (req. VTS) [activate only if you have vts installed!]
  • direct Link to backend

3. When clicked on the password recovery link:
  • field for username
  • field for e-mail
  • a new password will be stored in the db and sent via email
  • type of information can be set in admin (send mail, show PW or both)

As I mentioned this is fully customizable via admin. See the Userpanel Content-Part editing-screen:


Demo and Download:


You need to regsiter/login to access the download section! Don't want to bother you but this is for testing purpose of the registering panel, that will also be released shortly.
Registering requires just a name and a valid e-mail adress to which an activation link is sent, that needs to be clicked on.



Ich habe das Login-Logout Panel weiterentwickelt und umbenannt. Es ist nun in der Nächsten Entwicklungsstufe angekommen (v2.0)

Neu: in Version 2 gibt es einen "passwort vergesen" Button und natürlich die entsprechend Funktionaliät!

Installation ist einfach und sollte mindestens mit 1.2.6 funzen.
Demo und Download oben auf dem Bildlink:

Viel Spaß!
Und Danke für das geile CMS!
Last edited by phalancs on Thu Jan 25, 2007 23:09, edited 26 times in total.
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Postby Fulvio Romanin on Sat Jan 21, 2006 07:59

clap clap clap clap clap!
Completeness is reached through subtraction, not through addition
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Postby pepe on Sat Jan 21, 2006 13:50

Hallo phalancs,

also, daß macht auf den ersten Blick einen feinen Eindruck... hab's mir runtergeladen!
Da ich gerade eine neue Site aufziehe, werd ich's gleich mal testen.

Werde mich melden und berichten, garantiert :wink:
mfG pepe


Natürlich lese ich hier immer noch mit (ist ja nicht mehr so viel), gespannt darauf, was noch kommen wird... und wann!
Denn phpwcms ist - nach wie vor - ein TOP CMS, welches einen Vergleich nicht scheuen muß!

phpWCMS Installation + Quick-Start + Tuning | some Replacement-Tags | free-X templates (4.000 downloads/1.anno)
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Postby DF6IH on Sun Jan 22, 2006 14:05

Hmmm :-) Good work !

Is there any change to get it working like:

->user is allowed to work in his article only?

Tried with frontend user .. no !

Seems this has to be a backend user ........... there is some logic within :idea:

What I try to reach is a section where only the article with the (change rights=y) is to be seen ... nothing else. I know .. its called groupware :roll: in this 5 minutes hack this looks possible.. ! Am I Wrong ?

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Postby gent on Mon Jan 23, 2006 08:39

Mac OS X users please Note:

the name of download-file "phpwcms_login-logout_panel_v1.20_enym.rar" is to long for Mac OS X 10.4.4 - Stuffit Expander. Stuffit will bring an error No.: -37, means he can't handle this filename.

renaming the file after download in something smaller like "phpwcms.rar" will help Stuffit to expand the file :)
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Postby phalancs on Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:56


At the moment you cannot limit access to the articles to certain groups. This CP just helps you to build some "interim" frontend user functionality.

Although you can possibly create a user named "Editor" and assign certain articles to him (Then you again have (if you did) to disble limitations (just as mentioned in the install.txt - so he can access "articles" module in admin).

Hoffe das hilft Dir weiter :)
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Postby DF6IH on Mon Jan 23, 2006 14:00

Hi Phalancs, my hero :wink:

As never expected, this runs quite well... I'm working on a free form, where users may each have their own page. Till now, with the author related thing, the only thing which should be reached, is to notch out articles from other users. Maybe I find a solution for myself. This is very special kind of appearence but perhaps it makes our system pretty much known ;)

From today I know that there is a way to jump in the substructure of phpwcms with a complete different domain.tld and its shown as user-domain.tld/user.phtml ;)

Just a little while playing around with this... as said before .. a big system ;)

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Postby typoid on Wed Jan 25, 2006 17:16

cool, this is great.

works like a charm for me. easy and precise.

Perhaps it could be enhanced even more: Possibly the messaging thing could be integrated into fronted (may be another Content part), so that the user does not need to leave the site (swithing to admin) to get there.

Just a thought.
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Postby Matze on Wed Jan 25, 2006 20:23

das sieht mir doch nach einer feinen sache aus!!!!!!

werd das gleich mal antesten

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Login Super...Sache

Postby Wittrock on Sun Jan 29, 2006 22:49

Hab es geladen und installiert, läuft super.

Vieleich kann mir jemand weiterhelfen denn ich möchte z.B einen Kundenbereich anlegen, dieser Bereich soll aber ohne Login nicht zu erreichen sein.

Ich möchte den Link aber sichtbar für jeden Besucher darstellen, wenn der Besucher dann auf den Link klickt, sollte eine abfrage erfolgen ob der Besucher Angemeldet ist oder nicht. Wenn nicht angemeldet dann sollte er aud die Loginpage geleitet werden, wenn Angemeldet dann gleich in den Kundenbereich gelangen.

Kann mir jemand helfen so eine Abfrage zu erstellen oder mir einen Tip geben wie das Problem lösen kann.

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Postby isac on Mon Jan 30, 2006 17:25

great work, but i can't login
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Postby rushclub on Tue Jan 31, 2006 06:15

isac wrote:great work, but i can't login

me too. always get "daten prüfen"


3 (!) Jahre warten reichen mir. Ich bin erst mal weg.
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Postby phalancs on Wed Feb 01, 2006 17:34

which version of phpwcms are you using?

I will update the script next week to make it more compatible.

// update: ok you meant the login on the download site.
Someone had changed the password for that user.
Should be ok now :)


Jemand hatte das Login Password für den User geändert
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Postby Paal on Thu Feb 02, 2006 08:28

I can't login for download... (or I can't see, who is the download link)

I tried this:
username: user
password: phpwcms

Thx, Paul
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Site login for content part download

Postby gthibodeaux on Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:46


The login on your site does not work. When you put the user name: user and password: phpwcms it gives the error: Daten Prufen!

I would like to download the content part, how do I get it??
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