ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.

Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby Heiko H. on Tue Feb 19, 2008 22:31


in my case the exd_version table was empty. I dont know why???
Have a look in your DB...

If it's empty insert the correct ExData Version like this:
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `mod_phpwcms_exd_version` (`id`, `exd_version`) VALUES (1, '2.7');

May be you have to change 'mod_phpwcms_exd_version' to your needs the Version '2.7' too.

Good luck, Heiko...
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby heliotrope on Tue Feb 19, 2008 22:51

thanks for your help Heiko..
But it seems there was a problem of formatting of the file main.inc.php in Exdata mod ..
It was strangeley formmatted after the upload on the server.
So I re-downloaded it and copy the good code in it and re-uploaded it ..
And the Exdata mod appears as installed in the admin/modules menu...

If this can help someone ...
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby 360fusion on Wed Jul 02, 2008 16:43

Hi Breitsch,

Do you have any plans to make this into a true module which requires no hacks to the core code?

Also do you intend to make it compatible with URL rewrite?

If so do you have any time scales?

This is a great mod and I'd love to see it developed further. I may even do a video tutorial for it :wink:

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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby breitsch on Fri Jul 04, 2008 00:29

I wish I had time for it, really.
I certainly have a long to do list for ExData and making it a real plugin would be on top.
But right now I don't have time for it.

I'm currently updating the GoogleMaps Module which has top priority for me.
After that, the JW Players need to be updated to phpwcms 1.3.9
Then maybe there will be time for ExData.
But no schedule!

First I'll gonna spend some days with good Whiskey somewhere near you, though!
gruss / regards
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby 360fusion on Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:42

Well it's good to hear you are working on the other modules. hope you can find the time one day.

Where abouts are you going? I'm going to Hamburg this weekend, looks like the phpwcms community is on the move...

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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby kumpel01 on Thu Aug 07, 2008 09:54

Hi Hi,

ich wollte mal fragen, ob ExData auch unter Version 1.3.9 läuft?

Grüße aus Fahrenbach,

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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby metti on Thu Aug 07, 2008 09:56

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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby novallis on Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:15

Liebe phpwcms-Gemeinde,

ich habe ein Problem mit der Übergabe von Variaben, hier "exd_filter1".

Auf einem alten System mit phpwcms Version 1.3.3. und php4 konnte ich problemlos per [PHP]-RT
Code: Select all

den Filter übergeben.

Ein Dump der globalen Variablen zeigt, dass der Filter "exd_filter1" im Array unter
Code: Select all
  [_POST] => Array
            [exd_filter1] => xyz

geführt wird, aber das Skript (exdataMod 2.70) verarbeitet den Wert nicht.

Liegt das an der neuen phpwcms-Version, an php5 oder was kann ich tun, damit das läuft?
phpwcms Version 1.3.9_r270
PHP Version 5.2.4
register_globals On
safe_mode Off

Danke für Eure Unterstützung.

- Ralf
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby novallis on Fri Nov 21, 2008 13:13

Hier bin ich wieder:

novallis wrote:
ich habe ein Problem mit der Übergabe von Variaben, hier "exd_filter1".

Ein Dump der globalen Variablen zeigt, dass der Filter "exd_filter1" im Array unter
[_POST] => Array
[exd_filter1] => xyz
geführt wird, aber das Skript (ExDataMod 2.70) verarbeitet den Wert nicht.

Habe den Fehler gefunden.
Das Problem lag darin, dass ich beim Einbau des ExDataMods
in der Datei
Code: Select all

einen Eintrag vor die Rendering-Anweisung des [PHP]-RT gesetzt habe.
Daher wurden die PHP-Anweisung nach dem ExDataMod geparst.
Nachdem ich die Einträge eins runter gesetzt habe läuft nun alles super und wie gewünscht. :D

Danke Breitsch für diesen genialen Mod

- Ralf
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby fardilha on Tue Nov 25, 2008 17:15

Hi All.

I'm trying to use ExData MODULE 2.70 with phpwcms 1.3.9 but I'm having a problem concerning the filebrowser_exd.php.

On the categories I'm using some image fields but when I try to add an image on an entry the popup window opens with an error.
The link that the button is trying to open is:

Code: Select all

Does anyone knows what should I hack in order to make this work?

Thank you!
Pedro Fardilha
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby fardilha on Thu Nov 27, 2008 16:17

Sorry all.

It seems that my host provider, Servage (http://www.servage.net), is having some security problems and my web sites were being hacked.
That's why I was having so many problems with ExData.
After some code cleanup (mainly hidden ads) and some permissions checked ExData is working just fine.

So, right now I only have one question left:
Is it possible to add more items to the field content?
Mainly the Flash Media Player and the Multimedia ones.

I have some movies that I would like to add, but the closest thing right now would be the image field content and that option doesn't allow me to se the movies on the file browser.

Thank you!
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby breitsch on Fri Nov 28, 2008 09:42

There would be another possibility for your request;

Add a SHOW_CONTENT RT to the ExData Entry an setup the Multimedia CP's separately

Add a new CP 'media-player' or 'multimedia' or whatever to a hidden article somewhere on your site
add a new WYSIWYG field to your ExData Category
Add in the entries e.g. {SHOW_CONTENT:CP,111} where 111 is the CP-ID

check the file: include/inc_front/content.func.inc.php

the following code
Code: Select all
// {SHOW_CONTENT:MODE,id[,id[,...]]}
if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{SHOW_CONTENT:')===false ) ) {
   $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{SHOW_CONTENT:(.*?)\}/e', 'showSelectedContent("$1");', $content["all"]);

must be after the ExData entry
Code: Select all
// casa-loca's ExDataMOD
if($phpwcms["exdata_mod"]) { //enabled/disable ExData MOD
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_module/mod_exdata/inc_front/func.inc.php');

with this your able to include whatever you want in the ExData Output.
gruss / regards
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby fardilha on Sat Nov 29, 2008 09:18

As always breitsch, you are a life savior.

It's works just fine, although I had to hack just a little the code.

The problem was that I end up having this:

1 - Exdata
2 - moo.fx RT inside ExData (with the accordion effect)
3 - SHOW_CONTENT RT inside moo.fx
4 - Flash media player inside SHOW_CONTENT RT

Both moo.fx and Flash media player depend on the js library mootools to do their magic.
So the accordion effect wasn't working and on Firefox the loading info on the bottom on the windows would never end.
I had to go to /include/inc_front/content/cnt25.article.inc.php and around line 53 comment this:

Code: Select all
$block['custom_htmlhead']['swfobject.js']   = '  <script src="'.TEMPLATE_PATH.'inc_js/swfobject/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';

Then, on the admin area of the site I went to the template and added this to the <head> block:
Code: Select all
<script src="template/inc_js/mootools/mootools.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

This way I was able to make the libraries load on the proper order.

Finally since I have moo.fx to start with the 1st block open I had to return to cnt25.article.inc.php and around line 241, were we can find this:

Code: Select all
$CNT_TMP              .= str_replace('{PLAYER}', '<div id="'.$fmp_data['id'].'">No JavaScript - no Flash Media!</div>'

add replace it with this:

Code: Select all
$CNT_TMP              .= str_replace('{PLAYER}', '<div style="height:260px ;" id="'.$fmp_data['id'].'">No JavaScript - no Flash Media!</div>'

Otherwise that initial block would only open with the height of the No JavaScript - no Flash Media! text line (a mere few pixels) instead off the full height needed for the player.



Take care all.
Pedro Fardilha
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby Heiko H. on Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:31

Hi fardilha,
fardilha wrote:Then, on the admin area of the site I went to the template and added this to the <head> block:
Code: Select all
<script src="template/inc_js/mootools/mootools.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

This is not really a good idea, because if you use a CP that needs mootools.js (eg. CP Images + Lightbox), this CP loads mootools.js by self in the head section.
Better use something like this:
Code: Select all
if (!isset ($GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['mootools.js']))
    $GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['mootools.js']   = '  <script src="'.TEMPLATE_PATH.'inc_js/mootools/mootools.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';

Make sure that you have enabled [PHP] RT in config.
Code: Select all
$phpwcms['allow_cntPHP_rt']   = 1; //allow PHP replacement tags and includes in content parts

Kind regards Heiko...
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Re: ExData Module - Tables, Lists and more... [New Version 2.70]

Postby marcus@localhorst on Sat Nov 29, 2008 20:49

what about
Code: Select all
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