Index CP (Index of Content Parts) [1.0 RELEASED]

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Index CP (Index of Content Parts) [1.0 RELEASED]

Postby phalancs on Sat Jan 20, 2007 03:02

Index CP

Released v1.0
Thats the way :)

Damn I searched a lot, read a lot and asked many times for such feature. Now I am fed up with all that and created my own. It works perfect for me and with a fresh install I created.

This is a Content Part that creates an index of all Content Parts within the current article. It uses all Content parts which are not "trashed" and which have an active "anchor" value set! So if you want a CP within the index just check (mark) the "anchor" box! :)

You have two options in the admin area: Choose from numbered listing or dotted listing. See the demo for both examples set up.

Check it out:



Next version coming up shortly with many new options in backend. Look forward to this release as you will like it, I hope :)
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Postby jsw_nz on Sun Jan 21, 2007 20:06

Another NICE ONE BY Phalancs.

This can be useful in certain situations.

Guessing next version will be even better....

Am wondering if this can be combined with moo.fx to initiate 'automatic scroll'.

I know Jan212 has this type of script running on his website.

Cheers Phalancs
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Postby Jan212 on Mon Jan 22, 2007 13:06

You spy ;). It's running and it's grandios. Thank you Phalancs, nice mod.
Regards/ Grüsse/ Groetjes - JAN212
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Postby jsw_nz on Mon Jan 22, 2007 19:49

hehe - :wink: - good stuff always gets noticed -
impeccable site, Jan
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Postby Jan212 on Mon Jan 22, 2007 20:01

@jsw_nz - thanks a lot. :)
Regards/ Grüsse/ Groetjes - JAN212
null212 - Büro für Kommunikation und Design
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Re: Index CP (Index of Content Parts) [1.0 RELEASED]

Postby Keppn on Tue Nov 11, 2008 17:19

Ooh, that looks very useful!
Unfortunately, the download-site seems to be down.

Can anybody help me out with a link? Or eMail? Or hint?
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Re: Index CP (Index of Content Parts) [1.0 RELEASED]

Postby NoNameBaby on Tue Dec 30, 2008 00:12

Where can I get this index CP?
I'm in need and unfortunately the official Downloadsite isn't working!
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