Newbie Help Please

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Newbie Help Please

Postby slinkyomeara on Tue Sep 16, 2008 01:36

Hi All
Im completely new to CMS up until now I never had a requirment to use CMS now I will be developing for a surfing news website and I am used to tradiitonaly static creation of sites. I like wcms very much and its interface and wish to use it
and support it from here in.

My question is how to create a news list like this using wcms and the best practices from your experiences.
Expected article growth rate is 15-20 per day

Appreciate all help
Kind regards
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2008 01:26

Re: Newbie Help Please

Postby flopi on Tue Sep 16, 2008 05:22

(> <)
Das ist Bunny. Kopiere Bunny in deine Signatur, um ihm auf seinem Weg zur Weltherrschaft zu helfen!
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