JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator [NEW Version 2.0]

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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby claus » Thu Feb 14, 2008 07:52

it will open a new tab / window too. But perhaps you could try to append target ( _blank / _self / _parent or whatever they are named)? Didn't test it...
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby claus » Thu Feb 14, 2008 08:03

no - doesn't seem to work ...
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby fopulu » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:46

Hm, my Image Rotator works well, but the links won't work....
When I add as described in the documentation
Code: Select all

to the script field and enable it, no images are displayed and the rotator doesn't starts....

What did I wrong?

Every image has a title and link.....
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby breitsch » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:10

when your CP-ID is 200 then it's:

Code: Select all
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby fopulu » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:52

That's it, thank you breitsch!

what about this?
Can I change the script, that the link will open in the parent window?
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby breitsch » Fri Feb 15, 2008 17:05

Code: Select all
fir200.addVariable("linktarget", "_self");

It's as easy as this!

Don't confuse your users; with this variable the rotator will pause when an image doesn't have a link!
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby heliotrope » Mon Feb 18, 2008 18:27

sustia wrote:Hi Breitsch, I'm trying the plugins.
With the Image rotator it's all ok, but when I try to insert the Media Player I receive this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/ortaggi/public_html/include/inc_module/mod_flashplayer/inc/cnt.form.php on line 1

I have the same problem....
Rotator is ok but mediaplayer is not ..
I re downloaded & re-uploaded the .swf file but nothing works.. always the same error message ..
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby sustia » Mon Feb 18, 2008 19:33

This occurs because of a strange formatting of that file while upload.
Please, if you use Filezilla select that file and choose View/Modify.

Open the original file on your pc, copy/paste in the editor the code with the good formatting, upload the file and overwrite the old one.
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby heliotrope » Mon Feb 18, 2008 20:36

waw !
thanks a lot for you help sustia !
It works fine !

it took me some time to understand what you were explaining me ... :mrgreen:
but i finally understood.... thanks a lot !!!
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby Cipolla » Fri Mar 28, 2008 13:02

hello breitsch,

regarding the image_rotator, do you have an idea if it is possible to kick some of the transition effects? i.e. i want to use random transitions, but i don´t want the fade or the flash.

Any idea?
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby breitsch » Fri Mar 28, 2008 18:50

would be possible but only with action script in the flash-file, and then it would be for all rotator content parts
you need flash to edit this

tell me if still interested
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby Cipolla » Fri Mar 28, 2008 19:29

thanks for your fast answer. well, it seems that my customer can live with the "normal" solution. no need to hack the core file. btw. when the page goes public and i need to register the rotator, will your advice inside the content part disappear?
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Postby sustia » Tue Apr 22, 2008 18:22

Hi, I'm working on the SVN version, and seems that JW Image Rotator doesn't work either in local and on a server.
Someone experienced similar problem?
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby flip-flop » Wed Apr 23, 2008 09:06

You are right, at this time it doesn´t work in SVN.
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Re: JW Media Player - JW Image Rotator

Postby sustia » Wed Apr 23, 2008 09:29

Ok flip-flop, thanks for the answer.
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