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  ID Type Status Priority Milestone Owner   Summary + Labels ...
  5 Enhancement Accepted Low ---- ----   Feature request: Additional sorting-type for CP "Teaser/Articlelink"  
  10 Other Accepted Low ---- slackero   article content types error on fields missing a default value.  
  16 Enhancement New Low ---- ----   Feature request: Article information zone - Possible limited access to Admin only  
  17 Enhancement New Low ---- ----   Feature request: Additional sorting-type for CP "Teaser/Articlelink" (Part II)  
  24 Enhancement New Low ---- slackero   paginate the images <div> content part  
  25 Enhancement New Low ---- slackero   Feature request - new gallery section  
  26 Enhancement New Low ---- slackero   Adding CSS class to columns generated by phpwcms (picture <div> CP)  
  27 Enhancement New Low ---- slackero   fix summary max words in article listing template via Replacement tag  
  30 Enhancement New Low ---- ----   filemanager_delete_all  
  31 Enhancement Accepted Low ---- slackero   Category gets hidden from site map if 'hide frontend menu' is checked  
  32 Defect ReponseNeeded Low ---- slackero   Teaser/article link cp doesn't create all data. selection isn't saved.  
  34 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Feature request: Administration of all content part templates via the backend  
  35 Enhancement Accepted Low ---- slackero   Feature request: A better support for PDF prints  
  37 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Feature request: Move all config settigs into the database  
  39 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Feature request: Enhancement für content part file list  
  40 Enhancement Accepted Low ---- slackero   Feature request: Enhancements for the content part "Form"  
  41 Defect Noticed Medium ---- slackero   Backend-User can not copy/paste own Articles and Contentparts  
  43 Enhancement Noticed Low ---- ----   Feature request: Create structure levels or articles at once  
  45 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Feature request: Buttons at the top and bottom of all masks  
  51 Other ReponseNeeded Medium ---- ----   WIKI on code.google.com  
  54 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Feature Request - upload media files directly from File/Imagebrowser  
  56 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   QuickNav and QuickLinks (RT/MOD/CP)  
  59 Enhancement Noticed Low ---- ----   Feature request: Horizontal sitemap built like an organigramm?  
  60 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- ----   ExData Module -> Integration for goods, please  
  61 Enhancement Checked Medium ---- ----   optional hide-button for headline of contentparts  
  62 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Feature Request: Better search functions  
  66 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Using News and RSS -> is not producing the current date of the news  
  70 Enhancement Accepted Low ---- slackero   Teaser wysiwyg addon  
  71 Enhancement Checked Medium ---- ----   counting of page requests | internal metric  
  73 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Enhance CP teaser by customizable filter options  
  74 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Enhance guestbook by central management and option to aprove/disallow it before it goes live  
  76 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Enhance CP fillist by tag filter option  
  77 Enhancement Accepted Critical ---- slackero   Enhance phpwcms by user and groups and permissions  
  80 Defect New Medium ---- ----   Feature Request: "image processing" in FILE or cp images  
  81 Enhancement Noticed Medium ---- ----   template based subscription to newsletter  
  83 Defect New Medium ---- ----   Teaser deforms next teasers  
  86 Defect New Medium ---- ----   show hide dates in site structure  
  87 Defect New Medium ---- ----   Feature request: Edit more than one CSS file  
  88 Defect New Medium ---- ----   Feature request: Larger icons in admin section  
  89 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   CP forms export and equalized field column position  
  90 Defect New Medium ---- ----   BE: info about WHERE/WHAT OTHER USERS actually are/do?  
  91 Defect New Medium ---- ----   Add individual Meta-Description to each article  
  92 Enhancement Accepted Low ---- ----   Benennung der Contentparts  
  93 Defect New Medium ---- ----   sitemap.php doesn't look very good for humans  
  95 Enhancement Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Provide "livedate and killdate" for CPs  
  99 Enhancement Checked Low ---- slackero   Article Pagination  
  100 Defect Accepted Medium ---- slackero   exclude # from url rewrite  
  101 Defect Accepted Medium ---- slackero   Fix {RELATED:} links - still old style links  
  106 ---- Checked Low ---- slackero   News edit error in IE in r270  
  107 Task ReponseNeeded ---- ---- slackero   Again: All over sudden errors when using search function in FE  
  112 ---- New ---- ---- ----   301 forwarding of old article id= and aid= to new article alias  
  113 ---- New ---- ---- ----   3 digits in article alias for google news listing  
  114 ---- New ---- ---- ----   optimised URL with mod-rewrite  
  116 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Feature Request: Allow for a news list in the detailed news article page/alias/id  
  120 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Search: Missing archived articles in search result  
  122 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Feature Request: admin zone - site structure  
  124 Enhancement Noticed ---- ---- slackero   BE: split the view of "Who's online"  
  126 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Add a total quantity available field for products in Shop module  
  128 ---- New ---- ---- ----   ftp take over --> automatically ADD corresponding (sub)DIRs  
  130 Enhancement Accepted ---- ---- slackero   JW mediaplayer 4.2  
  132 Enhancement Accepted ---- ---- slackero   improved handling of rewrite  
  134 Enhancement Noticed Low ---- slackero   Preview form data in browser BEFORE send  
  135 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Custom Layout blocks not available in article display.  
  137 Enhancement Noticed ---- ---- slackero   Feature Request: Multilanguage for Pages, Articles, CPs  
  138 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Feature Request: Exclude Article in CP "Teaser/Articlelink"  
  139 ---- ReponseNeeded ---- ---- slackero   Bug?: Updating Article Moves it in Sort Order  
  140 Enhancement Accepted ---- ---- slackero   wrong title hierarchy in some default content part templates  
  141 ---- New ---- ---- ----   frontend menu status (show/hide) affects CP sitemap  
  142 ---- New ---- ---- ----   improved display of information in backend  
  143 ---- New ---- ---- ----   New CP Anchor  
  144 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Template choice, text with image  
  145 ---- New ---- ---- ----   [img=ID.FORMAT WxHxCROPxQUALITY]ALT-Text[/img] dont´t work  
  148 ---- New ---- ---- ----   News Feature Request - Backend Search/Show Articles Tags  
  150 ---- New ---- ---- ----   Inconsistent templates --> FILELIST  
  151 Enhancement Accepted ---- ---- slackero   BatchUpload // FancyUpload  
  153 ---- New ---- ---- ----   enhancements for file center  
  154 ---- New ---- ---- ----   More price fields  
  155 Enhancement ReponseNeeded ---- ---- slackero   feed reader problem  
  157 ---- New ---- ---- ----   What about thumbnail images, avatars (blog style) for article owner,  
  159 ---- New ---- ---- ----   CP article menu --> more flexiblity (blog style)  
  161 ---- New ---- ---- ----   set default options for new articles  
  162 ---- New ---- ---- ----   new button for direct article basis information edition on article menu  
  163 ---- New ---- ---- ----   add content part imediatily after creating a content part  
  164 ---- New ---- ---- ----   html content part templates  
  165 ---- New ---- ---- ----   expand by default the article information resume  
  166 ---- New ---- ---- ----   simplify phpwmcs for some usergroups (hide functions (inputs, menus and checkboxes) not intended to be used by them)  
  167 ---- ReponseNeeded ---- ---- slackero   Banner module image upload in general  
  168 ---- New ---- ---- ----   content parts: default templates (*.tmpl) and custom templates folder inconsistency  
  169 ---- New ---- ---- ----   newsletter sending - webserver spam protections, increase loop time