500 internal server error ?

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500 internal server error ?

Postby mrgtec on Wed Dec 24, 2008 06:06


I am getting a error on my site, the 500 internal server error, I seen it in these forums but I am not sure that would work or has worked for anyone, please post a anwser to this ?.

Please help me.

Thank you,
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Re: 500 internal server error ?

Postby DF6IH on Wed Dec 24, 2008 07:13

if !($you==SPAM) :evil: {

Hey there,

the easiest way to see what is happening : Have a look into Servers log, especiaööy the Servers Error Log for your domain. Mostly this happens together with any .
.htaccess directivities given.

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Re: 500 internal server error ?

Postby selbaer on Fri Dec 26, 2008 01:02

I had some problems with file size and roll over images in the past. Check your config.
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