Can't see Group Administration

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Can't see Group Administration

Postby mbobi on Thu Nov 27, 2008 08:56

After installation of 1.3.9 release I can't see usergroup administration in the backend. I can add new users but no groups. There is no usergrup management. Could you please help me how to activate this option. Thanks.
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Re: Can't see Group Administration

Postby flip-flop on Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:16


at this time we haven´t a group management.
(It is under construction).

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Re: Can't see Group Administration

Postby Heiko H. on Thu Nov 27, 2008 09:37

Unfortunately we all are missing this feature for a long time. :(
It will be coming, but no deadline is given.
Please stay tuned...

Regards Heiko...
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Re: Can't see Group Administration

Postby markus s on Fri Nov 28, 2008 18:51

but you can give different users,
differnet rights, to see hidden contentparts.
called FE-USER ...
take the search
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