can not create dir in file center

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Re: can not create dir in file center

Postby Jensensen on Wed Nov 26, 2008 00:56

thanks flip-flop,
btw. my DB holds 45 tables only --> one is missing:= phpwcms_log

has been a clean install | for testing only
codebase was: SVN r_xxx


will try another "clean install"
[die laughing]
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Re: can not create dir in file center

Postby flip-flop on Wed Nov 26, 2008 01:12

@Jens: phpwcms_log is empty. It isn´t in use at this time. This shown table is an updated one from an older version.

@1996 328ti
Code: Select all
Keyname      Type      Cardinality     Action          Field
PRIMARY      PRIMARY   0               [Edit] [Drop]   f_id
f_granted    INDEX     None            [Edit] [Drop]   f_granted
f_name       INDEX     None            [Edit] [Drop]   f_name
f_shortinfo  INDEX     None            [Edit] [Drop]   f_shortinfo
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Re: can not create dir in file center

Postby Jensensen on Wed Nov 26, 2008 01:30

this is mine: v1.3.9 R_273


as you can see:

f_vars is missing!!!! in yours ??!!¿¿

btw: R_273 DEVWARE adds ONLY 45 tables to the database!!!!

@flip: I understand.
Last edited by Jensensen on Wed Nov 26, 2008 02:04, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: can not create dir in file center

Postby 1996 328ti on Wed Nov 26, 2008 01:34

Ahh. I did not look at the bottom of the page.
This is what I see.
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Re: can not create dir in file center

Postby DF6IH on Wed Nov 26, 2008 06:04


fvars is missing, just redo in setup : 1.3.5-> 1,5
Code: Select all
# 2008-08-21
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_file` ADD `f_vars` BLOB NOT NULL ;

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Re: can not create dir in file center

Postby flip-flop on Wed Nov 26, 2008 09:25

I think that isn´t the problem. Can´t find any usage of f_var.

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Re: can not create dir in file center

Postby 1996 328ti on Thu Nov 27, 2008 00:29


I don't know if this will help someone else down the line, but. . .
My test site was upgraded from 1.3.3 to 1.3.9 just as my live site was.
On both sites I could not create a new dir in the file center.
So. . .

I saved my database on the test site.
Deleted all tables. Installed 1.3.9.
Emptied all tables.
Loaded my data back. I got all sorts of errors.
Emptied all tables.
Inserted each table one at a time.
Now I could create directories. :)

To my live site.
Deleted my tables. Installed 1.3.9.
Emptied all tables. Inserted my data but got errors in the ads table.
Emptied my tables. Installed my live database back.
Checked to see that I could create directories, YES.

Not sure if my data is clean. I'll probably go back and look closer at the different ads tables.
What are they for anyway?

Oh well.
Thanks to those who helped.
Now for a nice Belgium beer. :)
1996 328ti
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