newest version which where

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newest version which where

Postby drashok on Sun Sep 14, 2008 09:42

I have to reinstall phpwcms as I am having difficulties in navigation, login and so on.
Is this the newest version of phpwcms?
    1. 13, 2008

    2. Code Google 1.3.9 r213 Uploaded:  Jun 18, 2008

    3. phpwcms 259
I could not get info on search at faq and forum

Kindly tell me which is the newest version of phpwcms and from where to download.
This is going to be my last attempt at installation.
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Re: newest version which where

Postby claus on Sun Sep 14, 2008 09:48

The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
update process in progress 90% - Please stand by.. don't hit any key. Hold your breath ... until the day when pigs can fly ...
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Re: newest version which where

Postby drashok on Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:37

Thanks Claus
Why not shoot the trouble before it arises?
Why not display the link prominently at FAQ, Docs, Code Google? KabelBW
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Re: newest version which where

Postby Cipolla on Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:16

Because the newest Version (Public) is 1.3.9 (r213), and this one could be found on the official site

All other (svn) versions are for my understandment beta/test versions which are not finished (e.g. Calendar) until Oliver Georgi will build a newer official release.
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