update - using ZigVersion

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update - using ZigVersion

Postby macangelo on Sun Jun 22, 2008 09:26

I'm glad I found (through Oliver's recommendation) ZigVersion for Mac to retrieve the new updates Oliver is providing to the googlecode server - so far everything works fine.

What I would like to do - and I don't know how, and if that's possible with ZigVersion - I would like to update my phpwcms versions I'm running on various servers using ZigVersion. Doing it manually takes more time than it takes Oliver to develope new code ;-).

Ok, what I did is this: When I installed phpwcms on various servers initially I uploaded the complete trunk-folder. Now, when I try to connect to these servers with ZigVersion I get this error message:
PROPFIND request failed on '/cms'
PROPFIND of '/cms': 301 Moved Permanently (http://mydomain.de)

Either I haven't set it up right or ZigVersion can't do it or. I also find no place to provide user name and password.

Thanks for any help
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Re: update - using ZigVersion

Postby pepe on Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:58

Have a look at


another "good looking" Mac Tool vor SVN... but not OS.

For me, the testversion runs perfekt.
mfG pepe

Natürlich lese ich hier noch (bis zum 30.09.2009) regelmäßig mit. Die Version 2.0 erlebe ich bis dahin aber wohl nicht mehr :-(
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Re: update - using ZigVersion

Postby macangelo on Sun Jun 22, 2008 14:08

Hi Pepe - and thanks.

I didn't quite get it. The screenshots show "Version" in the header, but I only find a download to beanstalk ...

And - with what ever I will end up with I can synchronize my update version to several installations online?

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Re: update - using ZigVersion

Postby pepe on Sun Jun 22, 2008 14:23


now i understand the problem!
You are searcheing for a tool, to update ONLINE!?!?!

Mhhhhh ????
mfG pepe

Natürlich lese ich hier noch (bis zum 30.09.2009) regelmäßig mit. Die Version 2.0 erlebe ich bis dahin aber wohl nicht mehr :-(
phpwcms ist - nach wie vor - eins der intuitivsten CMS, welches keinen Vergleich scheuen muß! Ein Versuch lohnt sich!

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Re: update - using ZigVersion

Postby macangelo on Sun Jun 22, 2008 14:37

Exactly: when Oliver profides 7 new files in whatever folder, I can easily update my local trunk folder.

then I have a couple of phpwcms installations out there online. I want to update those versions with a tool. I don't want to do it manually. (I have at least 40 phpwcms installations running. I don't need to update all, but a couple of them ...)

thanks a lot
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Re: update - using ZigVersion

Postby Oliver Georgi on Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:29

you need to have Subversion installed on the server hosting your accounts. Then you can do this.

Or you use a clever syncing/merging application which can compare your local revision with remote and warn in case of problems and before overwriting remote files.

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Re: update - using ZigVersion

Postby DF6IH on Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:51

Hi guys,

I'm so sorry that this is already treated: http://jgbm.de/checkout.phtml

I do this department for my own joy, but by my honour, sharing this with macangelo would make me a lucky man !! :lol:

http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/download-dev-versions.phtml --> playing 312
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