Please help..what happen with this ?

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Please help..what happen with this ?

Postby muhammadiq on Wed Jun 18, 2008 03:15

i got these line of codes when dealing with Graphical Text module :

Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /nfs/c02/h04/mnt/39085/domains/mySite/html/include/inc_lib/ on line 1246

Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /nfs/c02/h04/mnt/39085/domains/mySite/html/include/inc_lib/ on line 1246

Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /nfs/c02/h04/mnt/39085/domains/mySite/html/include/inc_lib/ on line 1246

Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /nfs/c02/h04/mnt/39085/domains/mySite/html/include/inc_lib/ on line 1246

Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /nfs/c02/h04/mnt/39085/domains/mySite/html/include/inc_lib/ on line 1246

appreciate any help of this error

kind regards,
Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 04:16

Re: Please help..what happen with this ?

Postby DF6IH on Wed Jun 18, 2008 06:03


just a bug in your PHP Version. Contact your Hoster to upgrade to PHP5 --> playing 309 haben uns getroffen und die Freude am CMS ist wieder steil gestiegen, Bilder folgen !!
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Re: Please help..what happen with this ?

Postby muhammadiq on Wed Jun 18, 2008 08:43

now it works :) sweet..thanks mate
Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 04:16

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