Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

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Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby kalilj on Mon Mar 31, 2008 22:02

I've been asked by a friend to help them upgrade their phpwcms v1 install (I know, I know, but that's what his webhost's fantastico offers him.) Doing a straight upgrade seems fairly simple but he wants to move his installation from foobar.com/ (i.e. the top level directory) to foobar.com/newdirectory.

Is it really as simple as installing 1.3.3 into /newdirectory and then attaching the database original SQL database through config.inc.php and then following the database updates as detailed in Step 4 onwards here (http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/upgrade_RC11 ... _13x.phtml) or is it going to be more complicated than that?
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby Jensensen on Mon Mar 31, 2008 23:36

kalilj wrote:...wants to move his installation from foobar.com/ (i.e. the top level directory) to foobar.com/newdirectory...

it's that easy like:
edit your /config/phpwcms/conf.inc.php
Code: Select all
    // site values
    $phpwcms['site']         = 'http://www.foobar.com/';

    // paths
    $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT']     = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];// real DOC_ROOT seems to be: /www/htdocs/something/root_public/...
    $phpwcms['root']         = 'newdirectory'; //default: ''

or viewtopic.php?f=1&t=16885
[vice versa == > not --> up --> but --> down --> one level]

and don't forget to --> move ALL files/folders --> to 'newdirectory'
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby kalilj on Wed Apr 02, 2008 18:33

Because he's currently still on a 1.1 install of the system I'll still need to do the step by step update of the SQL databases, correct?
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby DF6IH on Wed Apr 02, 2008 19:49

Hi there

there are some directories that will change.... I do not know exactly, but these /1, /2 ..../10 dir#s in content need to be removed
http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/download-dev-versions.phtml --> playing 312
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby kalilj on Wed Apr 02, 2008 22:22

Thank you everyone for your help so far. Unfortunately I'm having a bit of trouble. I've copied over all the files, updated the files that needed updating etc but when I try to run index.php to start upgrading the MySQL I'm getting the following error message:

Code: Select all
Warning: require(/home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/include/inc_ext/Openads/Openads_function.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/include/inc_lib/default.inc.php on line 66

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/include/inc_ext/Openads/Openads_function.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/include/inc_lib/default.inc.php on line 66

Now I can see where the problem is. The required is trying to open SUBDOMAIN/include but the actual file path is SUBDOMAIN/V3/include
However, I don't know where I am supposed to change this. Can anyone help?

ETA: Sorted it. I'd forgotten to pop my subdirectory name onto the ROOT line of the config file.
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby claus on Wed Apr 02, 2008 22:32

paths are set in conf.inc.php
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby kalilj on Wed Apr 02, 2008 22:55

Ran the set up, upgraded my database everything seems to be working fine.

However, when I go to log in it now doesn't recognise either my original login/password or the default username/password.
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby claus on Wed Apr 02, 2008 22:57

is the new conf.inc.php with all new features and (old) settings in its right place? Also have a look at dist.conf.inc.php
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
update process in progress 90% - Please stand by.. don't hit any key. Hold your breath ... until the day when pigs can fly ...
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Re: Upgrading phpwcms but moving directories

Postby kalilj on Wed Apr 02, 2008 23:07

claus wrote:is the new conf.inc.php with all new features and (old) settings in its right place? Also have a look at dist.conf.inc.php

I seem to be getting somewhere. Tryng to login with the defaults is giving me this:

Code: Select all
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/login.php on line 71

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/login.php  on line 71

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/login.php on line 72

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in/home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/login.php  on line 72

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/login.php :71) in /home/DOMAIN/public_html/SUBDOMAIN/V3/include/inc_lib/default.inc.php on line 279
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