[Solved] "Failed opening required" - line 30?

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[Solved] "Failed opening required" - line 30?

Postby Blackbird on Tue Jan 08, 2008 00:20

Hey all,

This is my first post, I've been lurking for a while so I wouldn't repeat topics but I didn't find any for this.

I managed to install phpwcms 1.3.5 but after I'm done with the setup, it appears:

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './include/inc_lib/default.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/home:/home3:/home/securespace:/home3/securespace:/home/securespace/home:/home3/securespace/home:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home3/securespace/home/MYDOMAIN/www/login.php on line 30

This is my first shot at php, I only know enough to make some modifications on html by using dreamweaver. I swear I gave my best, but from this point on, I'm lost and have no idea on what to do to fix it.

The "www" folder is the one where I have to put all files, even in html. I can't remove it, according to the hosting guidelines.

Could someone help me, please?

Now the error changed to this, although there isn't much difference:
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './include/inc_lib/default.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/home:/home/securespace:/home/securespace/home:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home3/securespace/home/MYDOMAIN/www/login.php on line 30
Last edited by Blackbird on Thu Jan 10, 2008 21:22, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: "Failed opening required" - line 30? help, please

Postby claus on Tue Jan 08, 2008 00:55

this is the complete error message? Is this the error when trying to log in or when calling the page? You did transfer the conf.inc.php?
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Re: "Failed opening required" - line 30? help, please

Postby Blackbird on Tue Jan 08, 2008 01:09

Hi claus, thanks for your reply.

It's when I call the page. I did transfer the conf.inc.php file, 2 times, to make sure I made it right.
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Re: "Failed opening required" - line 30? help, please

Postby DeXXus on Tue Jan 08, 2008 07:27

Whenever you see that the error message contains (include_path='...etcetera) as a part of it, that is an indication that PHP cannot find a PATH that has been specified in the script attemtpting to run. What path did you enter in "conf.inc.php" ?
Is that browseable (ie. http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/include/inc_lib/default.inc.php) without a ERROR 404 NOT FOUND?
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Re: "Failed opening required" - line 30? help, please

Postby Blackbird on Wed Jan 09, 2008 00:59

DeXXus wrote:Whenever you see that the error message contains (include_path='...etcetera) as a part of it, that is an indication that PHP cannot find a PATH that has been specified in the script attemtpting to run. What path did you enter in "conf.inc.php" ?
Is that browseable (ie. http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/include/inc_lib/default.inc.php) without a ERROR 404 NOT FOUND?

Hey Dexxus,

I appreciate your help. No, if I try to browse it I get the ERROR 404 NOT FOUND message. :(

I have no idea on what to do. I did everything according to the tutorial, I wonder if it could be an issue with my hosting.
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Re: "Failed opening required" - line 30? help, please

Postby DeXXus on Wed Jan 09, 2008 03:24

DeXXus wrote:What path did you enter in "conf.inc.php" ?

Blackbird wrote:The "www" folder is the one where I have to put all files, even in html. I can't remove it, according to the hosting guidelines.

What do you mean by this? That there can be no subfolders for 'www' folder? [phpwcms is based on a folder "hierarchy" relative to where it's root files are stored (login.php, etc. would be the root)]. Got a link to your frontend?
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Re: "Failed opening required" - line 30? help, please

Postby Blackbird on Thu Jan 10, 2008 03:00

When I open the FTP, all files must be put into the www folder, I don't know the reason why. It's the hosting company standard and it can't be deleted (at least according to them).

Figured it! It's working now! Thanks for your help! :)
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