please help with changing adress on the main page of the web

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please help with changing adress on the main page of the web

Postby jonsik30 on Tue Nov 27, 2007 15:12

I have a small property manager web site and designer disappier on me and need some help with that.
Please someone help me to change a main address and link to applicaton.
tanya :(
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Postby DF6IH on Tue Nov 27, 2007 15:16


so what do you mean: ... change main adress ? Domain name or what ?

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Postby jonsik30 on Tue Nov 27, 2007 15:24

no just office address on the main page.I can not asess it even i have a manager for it. It would not aloow me to go to that part of the page and change it.Also my link to application that page is disappier and i need that page attache back (it is world document)
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dont want to help me?

Postby jonsik30 on Tue Nov 27, 2007 15:45

please help me, since she is no where to be found....
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Postby pico on Tue Nov 27, 2007 15:50

:?: :?: :roll:
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Postby DF6IH on Tue Nov 27, 2007 15:55

Never know what you are talking about, but perhaps you mean that hacked thing here:
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adress change

Postby jonsik30 on Tue Nov 27, 2007 16:14

i tried through administrator but i can not chane it still, can anyone help?
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I actually need help

Postby jonsik30 on Tue Nov 27, 2007 16:19

may be someone would be interested in working with me on my website i am planning to do quite a few changes and additions
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