• 1 Vote!

    See where your friends are with Google Latitude

    The Official Google Blog (subscribe) | 9 hours ago | Technology

      How often do you find yourself wondering where your friends are and what they're up to? It's a pretty central question to our daily social lives, and it's precisely the question you can now answer using Google Latitude. Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It's also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you've opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location...  
  • 2 Vote!

    India's $10 laptop is not a laptop

    Engadget (subscribe) | 8 hours ago | Technology

      You know what was missing from the so-call " unveiling " of India's $10 laptop yesterday? Photos. Now we think we know why. The $10 laptop is not a laptop at all, the display-less and keyboard-less prototype device demonstrated is just a 10 x 5-inch wide slab that stores (and apparently prints) distributed learning materials which can later be retrieved by an impoverished child... using a laptop and...  
  • 4 Vote!

    Obama Justice Department Re-Hires Attorney Fired By Goodling Because Of Lesbian Rumor

    Think Progress (subscribe) | yesterday | Politics

      In October 2006, Leslie Hagen, who was working as the liaison between the Justice Department and the U.S. attorneys’ committee on Native American issues, was informed that despite her “outstanding” job performance reviews, her contract would not be renewed. In April 2008, NPR reported that the Justice Department was investigating whether Hagen was fired after [...]  
  • 3 Vote!

    What the sidewalk is to you, a limousine and chauffeur is to Tom Daschle.

    Althouse (subscribe) | 02/02/2009 | Politics

      You need to understand that if you want to know why it never occurred to him that he needed to report it as taxable income: As a legal tax matter, this isn't even a close call. Mr. Daschle says he used the car service about 80% for personal use, and 20% for business. But his spokeswoman says it only dawned on the Senator last June that this might be taxable income. Mr. Daschle's excuse? According to...  
  • 4 Vote!

    Mysterious twink rends worlds

    WOW Insider (subscribe) | 02/02/2009 | Video Games

      Filed under: Warrior , Analysis / Opinion , Bugs , Humor Our inbox has been absolutely flooded with reports of this mysterious twink , Aigni of Ner'zhul , that appeared on the official forums in the last 24 hours. If you look closely at his Armory, you'll notice some pretty big oddities. For one, the character is wielding a weapon he really shouldn't be able to have. Two, the character has some other...  
  • 3 Vote!

    eSATA HDD Extender may / may not expand PS3 storage

    BitBlogger (subscribe) | 9 hours ago | Video Games

      We're not saying the mildly brilliant eSATA HDD Extender wouldn't work in theory, but we're a bit skeptical about the, um, realness of this here product. Unlike Team Xecuter's Hard Drive Xtender , which is definitely shipping to buyers, this device supposedly gives Sony's PlayStation 3 the ability to recognize an external eSATA drive. Furthermore, the device also adds four USB ports for even more...