phpwcms is a web cms optimized for fast and easy setup and works on any standard web server. phpwcms is perfect for professional, public and private users. It is very easy to learn and gives you the flexibility to separate layout and content.

The latest file releases
Package Release Date Notes / Monitor Downloads
phpwcms 1.2 1.2.9 February 26, 2007 Release notes     Monitor this package Download
phpwcms 1.3 1.3.9 May 13, 2008 Release notes     Monitor this package Download
phpwcms 1.3 modules mod_ads May 7, 2007 Release notes     Monitor this package Download
phpwcms Documentation English August 11, 2004 Release notes     Monitor this package Download
z_phpwcms 1.1-RC4 1.1-RC4_2004-08-27_A November 6, 2004 Release notes     Monitor this package Download