The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control

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TortoiseSVN is an easy to use SCM / source control software for Microsoft Windows and maybe the best standalone Subversion client there is. It is implemented as a Windows shell extension, which makes it integrate seamlessly into the Windows explorer. Since it's not an integration for a specific IDE you can use it with whatever development tools you like.

Another advantage of this shell integration is that not only web or software developers can use it but all the people who don't have the development tools installed, for example translators, doc writers, ...

TortoiseSVN 1.5.7 released

TortoiseSVN version 1.5.7, linked against Subversion 1.5.5 got released.

This is a bugfix/maintenance release only with no new features.

You can get it from our download page :

CommitMonitor 1.4

A new version of the CommitMonitor is available.

Apart from some minor bugfixes, new features include:

  • ability to ignore a list of users (issue #92)
  • ability to run a custom action after a new commit is detected (issue #7)
  • ability to open an url for a selected revision, for example to open some review tools (issue #94)

You can get it from our tools page:

TortoiseSVN 1.5.6 released

TortoiseSVN version 1.5.6, linked against Subversion 1.5.5 got released.

This is a bugfix/maintenance release only with no new features.

You can get it from our download page :

StExBar 1.6

StExBar got a new version!

A lot of small improvements and a bigger change got into this new version.
The change is how the edit box behaves when not in command line mode. In previous versions, a text entered in the box would select the files/folders that match the entered text in the current view. Now, instead of selecting them, it filters them, i.e., all files/folders that do not match the entered string are removed from the view.
For example, if you enter "meeting" in the edit box, all files which don't have that string in their name will get removed, only files like "meeting-oct.doc", "old_meeting.doc", ... are still shown.

This makes it much easier to find a specific file if you have a lot of files in one folder.

The issues solved since the last version:
15, 24, 29, 33, 30, 28, 26, 32, 37, 31.

StExBar is available from our tools page:

Tip: shift-Diff

TortoiseSVN allows you to specify your own tool for showing diffs and/or merges. For example, a lot of people prefer WinMerge over TortoiseMerge (even though I can't see why :-) ).

But sometimes you might want to prefer TortoiseMerge over your custom diff tool. Changing the settings would be way too complicated to just use TortoiseMerge once, for this particular situation.

TortoiseSVN allows you to use TortoiseMerge easily, without changing your custom diff tool setup: just hold down the shift-key when you click on the context menu to do the diff. If the shift key is pressed when doing a diff, TortoiseSVN always uses TortoiseMerge. If the shift key is not pressed, the diff/merge tool specified in your settings is used.

Repair moves/renames

Moving and renaming versioned files inside a working copy must always be done with the corresponding Subversion/TortoiseSVN commands. A move/rename without those (e.g., with the Windows Explorer) leads to problems since Subversion doesn't know that you have moved/renamed the files.

For example, if you rename a file named myfile.txt to myfile2.txt without using the Subversion/TortoiseSVN command, myfile.txt will show up as "missing" and myfile2.txt as "non-versioned" in the commit dialog or the Check-For-Modifications dialog.

If that happens to you, TortoiseSVN offers you an easy way to correct this. The following screenshot shows how the file TSVN-Support.ods was renamed to TortoiseSVN-Support.ods without the proper commands. They show up in the commit dialog as "missing" and "non-versioned". In the commit (or the Check-For-Modifications) dialog, you can select both files (Ctrl-click), right-click and choose "Repair move" from the context menu:

Repair Move

The "Repair move" command only works if exactly two files are selected, one having the "missing" and the other the "non-versioned" status. Only that way TortoiseSVN can find out which file got renamed to which file. By executing the command, TortoiseSVN repeats the rename but using the proper Subversion move/rename command:
After Repair Move

TortoiseSVN 1.5.5 released

TortoiseSVN 1.5.5 has been released, linked against Subversion 1.5.4.

This is a bugfix/maintenance release only. No new features were added since 1.5.4.

You can get it from our download page.

extended context menu

Many people don't know that the Windows shell provides an extended context menu if the shift key is pressed when the menu is shown.
For example, on Vista the extended menu has a few additional entries. The screenshots below show this: the left menu is the normal, plain menu and the right menu is the extended menu which you get if you hold down the shift key while right clicking:

As you can see, the extended menu has the additional entry "Open Command Window Here" which opens a console window with the current path set to that folder, and the entry "Copy as Path" which copies the path of the file/folder to the clipboard.

However if you try this on the explorer tree view on the left, it won't work. The extended menu is only available on the right file/folder view.

TortoiseSVN uses the extended menu too. Some commands are only available in the context menu if you hold down the shift key while right clicking. These are commands which we think are not used a lot (but of course are still useful), or commands that require the user to fully understand the consequences of using that command (which requires the user to read the docs!).

The screenshot on the left is the normal context menu, and the menu on the right is the extended context menu.

The commands only available from the extended menu are "Diff with URL", "Delete (keep local)", "Delete unversioned items...", "Break lock" and "Merge reintegrate...".

grepWin 1.3.0

grepWin version 1.3.0 has been released.
Get it from the download page.

The changes this time:

  • Show confirmation dialog when replace is called but the "create backup" option is disabled
  • Fixed some resizing problems
  • The following issues have been implemented/fixed:

CommitMonitor 1.3.0

A new version of the CommitMonitor is out.
It contains some bugfixes and also some new features.

You can get it from our Tools download page. The changelog is also available at the bottom of the download page.

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