
Would you like to translate TortoiseSVN into your native language? To check the currently available languages, take a look at our Translation status page. Maybe your language already exists and is ready for use or needs just a little improvement. Read these instructions first before starting to work on a translation.
  • If you want to translate the current development version, download an empty catalog (trunk). Translate what you can and send us your translation.
  • If you want to translate the last official release, download an empty catalog (1.5.7 ) and start to translate from there.
When you are finished, send us your translation (just the zipped .po file) to We will run some sanity checks on it and commit it into our repository. From that moment on, an installer for your language will be available in the nightly developer builds for testing. It'll become part of the nexet official release. We will also put your name on the list of contributors. Now go ahead and download your favourite language pack.